Sunday, May 25, 2008

Alphabet Photo Challenge - Y

The Alphabet Photo Challenge is hosted by Quilly at Pacific Paradise. Go here to check out other participants.

This is the "Y" of a tree in my front yard. Those of you who read my blog regularly know I try to combine projects and memes when I can when something appropriate works.
With that in mind I think this post will also fit a new project starting today by JFargo over at his blog called My World in Pictures. The title of his project is "From The Ground Up." I know he would love it if you would like to participate. In his words about the project he says, "Take the meaning however you like." His project will run for ten days so if you would like to join in go check it out!


Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's an amazing picture ! Really wonderful, bravo !!

Anonymous said...

I am still fussing and steaming over my Y, and yours is up and brilliant. I am impressed.

Anonymous said...

It's such a simple, clean and very beautiful shot!
Wonderful for Y...
Now I have to check out that new project, thanks for the link and have a nice Sunday.

Melli said...

Simply wonderful! ... *scratches head*... wonder if I can find a "Z" shaped tree....

I'm off to check out this new hunt!

Dr.John said...

A really great Y picture.

Snippet said...

Awesome shot. I love that you've been finding several natural letters instead of just things that start with the letter. :)

Thanks for the link, and for joining in the project! I've got your name up on the post now!

juliana said...

oh, i love this! a natural Y!

Robert said...

I love how you are "finding" your letters. You are so creative that way. Only one day left. :(

Shelly said...

Great Y! Thanks for the tip on a new project. it's so much fun to participate in something that other folks are playing at too. It's wonderful how each project introduces me to a whole new group of delightfully creative and kind bloggers. I was so sad that there was only one day left, but now I'm going to hitch a ride to your next project...he he.

Karen Coutu said...

Great capture!! I almost used a photo of Jake jumping with his hands in the air resembling the letter Y.