Saturday, May 24, 2008

X is for X's in the Wicker

Look what I found hiding in my wicker furniture!

Long legged X's line up in a dance line to mimic the Radio City Rockettes!

For more Alphabet Photo Challenge participants check out Quilly's Pacific Paradise.


Rose said...

Perfect description but I must confess that I was not looking at the title of the post, and thought you had found some kind of spider or something just for a second...I know, dumb.

Ingrid said...

Congratulations to your inspiration, lol ! that's really a very good idea and the pictures are nice too !
Tomorrow it's Y ! I rake my brain already !

Jientje said...

Ewww, it's X already huh? You did a very clever one, I love it!

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful pictures and clever idea!!

Anonymous said...

Very creative, Carletta!

Dr.John said...

I think this is the most creative X picture of the day. I would never of thought of looking for things that come together and make an X.

lv2scpbk said...

Nice close ups.

Debbie said...

I love the music! Perfect with your X file...I mean X post!!

You've done it again Carletta!!!

Neal said...

That's really neat. The pictures are so clear. I would have never thought of doing that....I'm just not very creative I guess.

judi/Gmj said...

Fun! Don't take that show on the road though, "The WV Rockettes!" sounds like something unhealthy. :)

Snippet said...

Very cool. I was wondering what you'd be doing for X. :)

Janice Thomson said...

Excellent idea for the x theme Carletta!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Real cool, you could have done a What Is It.

Melli said...

Ahhhhh... See? I stand well amongst cheaters! ROFL! What else is one to DO when presented with a letter like "X"? I'm saving Dr. John for LAST today - I'm SO excited to see if he really has a relative starting with X!!! (but I'm making myself wait!)

Tom said...

X-cellent capture and post.. and today old womtig send you a blog friendly X from your cheek... :o)

Karen Coutu said...

Good thinking for "X!" I was so stumped on this one.

Robert said...

I love how creative this one is Carletta! I think I took the easy obvious way out. But I still had fun with it.

dot said...

I didn't know what to expect until I finished reading your post. Those are very neat Xs! lol

juliana said...

that is a beautiful and original idea!

Anonymous said...

What a great take on X! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Whoof!! This is a very different X... so is mine... well, was mine, I ate it. Arf, Arf, Arf.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I've managed to miss so many of your posts. I've been wandering around your blog admiring all the wonderful photos you've posted for the various letters and wondering 'how did I miss this?' I haven't been here since your Canada Goose "G" post. I'll make sure I'm back more often.... and I'll bring Reba too, haha.