Sunday, May 25, 2008

Camera-Critters Sunday

Camera-Critters is sponsored by Misty over at Misty's Musings. Each Sunday we post a photo of our favorite critter. Check out Misty's blog for other participants.

This lovely lady was at the edge of my driveway yesterday afternoon. Look closely, do you see why she didn't fly away from me?
She let me step beside her and take another photo showing her striking colors.
This photo is a little blurry because she was shaking her feathers and screaming at me in an outrageous tone of voice!
These four beautiful speckled eggs was what she was protecting. If you look closely in the first photo you can see one just behind her. They are literally at the edge of my gravel driveway. I'm hoping they all survive and that I can get an update photo to share!


Misty DawnS said...

AWESOME!!! I had one chasing me down the side of the road yesterday, I bet I was near her eggs and didn't even realize it.

You got some really spectacular photos here! Wow - I didn't realize how colorful they are - these photos really are beautiful and show how gorgeous the birds are!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! How lucky you were to be able to make such beautiful pictures !

Juliana said...

great pics you have

My CC in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

This is a Killdeer. Did she do the broken wing thing and try to lead you away? I guess she chose the edge of your driveway because the rocks make great camouflage.

judi/Gmj said...

She is beautiful! Good job and very brave. I love the song of this bird.

Tom said...

This beauty must have known just who's drive this is.... I can imagine if you went out to try and find one of these birds nests it would be a long hard day.. I do hope they are safe and then hatch out. I look forward to hearing good news about these..

Melli said...

Ohhhhhh Carletta... I'm so jealous! I want some bird eggs... WOW!!! That is just ... miraculous! All the way around!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Great images. Not familiar wth these, ut fabulous shots.

Debbie said...

Wow Carletta! She is beautiful and I wonder why she nested so close? I bet she was glad when you got the heck out of there LOL

Yep, the Y shot, gosh you inspire me to be creative girl! I don't know if I can rise to the occasion, but I'm going to try "From The Ground Up". I need to get busy to post one today!

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious PHOTOS!!

Susan Demeter said...

These are wonderful photos, and amazing that she let you get so close!

Thanks so much for having stopped by earlier :)

Sharon said...

What kind of bird is she? I love her markings. I wonder what posessed her to nest at the edge of a driveway???

Great CC catch. I look forward to following her progress.

i beati said...

interesting angle for shots - beautiful - our blog has such picture depth sandy

Neal said...

They always build their nests in a place right out in the open. That egg behind her sure blends end with the background. Great shots!

Michele said...

Great shot... that shrill cry she has is pretty loud. I have had my ears ringing for days when I get too close to the nest!! LOL

juliana said...

oh wow! what a lovely find... hope she gets to raise her babies :)

storyteller said...

What a lovely series of photos … and what a brave bird, protecting her eggs from you like this! How fun it will be to observe over the next few days and weeks! I’m a retired teacher myself … have been blogging for about 6 months after attending a Writer’s Retreat last summer.

Today I could use some ‘gopher’ advice if you (or others) have any … but the main event in my Camera Critters this week (at Small Reflections) is Molly meeting a ‘look-alike’ last weekend … named Molly!
Hugs and blessings,

threesidesofcrazy said...

She has great markings and what a capture to get the nest of eggs too!

Barb said...

I had to look back up at the first one to see the egg I had missed seeing the first time. :)

Whenever I hear about Loons I always think of the movie On Golden Pond with Henry and Jane Fonda. If you've seen it before, you'll know why. :)

ratmammy said...

Wow,! I love these photos! You were so lucky to be able to take the photos, knowing how protective mommas can be.

Janice Thomson said...

How amazing she nested by your driveway. I haven't seen a killdeer for years - they are a remarkable bird. Excellent captures Carletta.

kenju said...

Carletta, why on earth would she lay her eggs so close to civilization??

dot said...

The eggs are so pretty! Looks like she would have picked a softer place to nest.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh my gosh that is so cute, nice to see what there eggs look like.

Yes the girl cats all make noises when they are carry off anything, Cutie Pie goes into my drawer were i have socks, and she takes them out and makes these funny noises.Precious loves rubber bands and crinkly papers that she carries around and the sounds that come from her are so funny.I wonder how come the boys don't do that?

Baba said...

Wow... I love seeing your pictures of mama bird and her eggs...I hope all of them live and hatch out.. I pray no cats or snakes are around .Thanks for sharing.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Very cool shots of the Killdeer. The music is really neat.

Anonymous said...

What a different looking bird. I look forward to reading updates.