Friday, April 25, 2008

Skywatch Friday With Green
Project Green: Take Five

I've been doing a Project Green with Anna where we are sharing photos with a green theme which started Monday. Monday afternoon I was sitting in the mall parking lot and gazing at the sky in front of me with new green growth on the trees in my eyesight. The clouds were white and puffy. I thought to myself it would make a perfect photo to combine Skywatch and Project Green. When I downloaded my photos imagine my surprise to see ole' green Shrek himself like he was standing there, his head laid back and his hands arms reaching up looking up at the clouds!
I hope you see him too. If not, well then maybe it's all that champagne I drank yesterday celebrating my 100th post!!!

Earlier in the week I completed Project Looking Through with Mark; but I had this remaining photo that I thought I would share with you as well. It fits Skywatch and Project Green!!!


SandyCarlson said...

These are gorgeous. Happy Skywatch Friday!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post.

Also like the chosen photo for Skywatch Friday. Nice work.

imac said...

Great post,haha. Love the skies.

My sky watch is up also The Goat Man

Angie said...

Great shots. I hope you gave Shrek a wave!

Tom said...

Well done again Carletta, I was wondering what you was going to come up with.. I am so sad ... I can not make shrek out... I will call back now tomorrow and see it with rested eyes..

Stacey Olson said...

LOL Great post. Did Anna make it to the music.. How funny!! I don't see her comment here..

Champ Townboy said...

Fantastic!! Beautiful!! Gorgeous!!

All of the above! That was good Champagne.

Snap Catch said...

Fabulous catch! The earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. mine's up too, hope you'll visit mine.

Daniel J Santos said...

beautiful images, well done.

***Fotografia e Luz*** said...

good picture with a very beautiful sky

Rose said...

Love both the skywatch/PLT photos!

Anonymous said...

wonderful indeed!

happy sky watching!

♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

Photo amazing, great shot. I see the Sherk in the clouds.

Dewdrop said...

Beautiful swelling cumulus. Did it ever rain on you?

Flying Solo said...

I'm a big fun of colour and I just love blue and green together!

Chrissy said...

Great shots! Oh and congrats on your 100th post!

Anonymous said...

Oh these are marvelous I really like the branches against the sky...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Looks like you got all three of your posts in one with the second photo. It could be Shrek in the first one.

Quiet Paths said...

I do love those clouds in the first one! Gorgeous, fluffy things! Very nice and congrats on the 100th post. It happens fast, huh!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post.
Love your Sky Watch Friday picture.

EG CameraGirl said...

100 posts! Congrats. Nice combination of Sky Watch and Project Green.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky and green.

Anonymous said...

Glorious green and blue in conjunction. I don't see Shrek, but those Rorshack tests re so subjective ...

Lacey Lichi said...

Congrats on 100! I'm almost there! I'm still chuckling about Shrek- I see it too!

Ví Leardi said...

Gourgeous contrast between green and blue..very beautiful love the second one

Anonymous said...

Are my eyes deceiving me or are you showing Shrek hidding in the clouds?
Congratulations on number 100; let's work now for number 1000!

dot said...

Both pictures are really nice but the second one is XTRA special! Hey I see something in the first one too just not sure what it is.

Anonymous said...

so gorgeous! i love Shrek! ;P

Meggie said...

Both photos display the green theme quite nicely.

Dianne said...

great sky, lovely green

what more could a person ask for :)

and then there's Shrek LOL

Happy 101st post. and many more.

Lara said...

great photos! Happy Friday!

Janice Thomson said...

Love those clouds in that first photo Carletta. Wonderful photos.

Pretty Life Online said...

fantastic catch for SWF! mine’s up too, hope you can visit. Have a wonderful weekend!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Very nicely done

Scotty Graham said...

100th post!! The Kermit song is cute...a nice tribute.



Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Great sky but I do wish you wouldn't play the music automatically.

It isn't that I don't like Kermit the Frog - I just don't want it suddenly bursting into life. Having the option to turn it ON is far preferable.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Those clouds are just fantastic.

Pappy said...

How the heck are thangs in West Virginny. Glad you stopped by. It's a green thing now? I'm still seeing yellow in my nightmares.

JunieRose2005 said...

Those are both just beautiful green scenes!... I think the bottom one is my favorite! I love the turn of those branches!

Yoy're very good at this !


Pernille said...

Congratulation on number 100:)
Very nice photos! Well done!

Have a lovely weekend:)

Anonymous said...

Both are very pretty! I especially like looking through the branches on the second photo.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Hi Carletta

Back at mine you said

I felt I should explain that my music is part of my post. I usually don't play random songs, but something that I have chosen that ties in with the theme of my post for that day. For instance, the Kermit song because of the project I was doing - Project Green; Tiny Bubbles because of a champagne celebration; and so on. My music is usually fairly quiet with soft melodies. It is part of my artistic endeavor to match melodies with the words I've written for a complete experience. That is why it automatically plays. It is me! It is what makes my blog different from others.
I saw your note above your links stating you no longer link to blogs with automatic music. That is certainly your choice. I pause music I don't care for because some blogs I read have wonderful things to say or see and I wouldn't want to miss them because of their music choice.
I'm sorry you didn't like your experience at my blog; but I appreciate your visit anyway.

Well I appreciate that the music may be important to the post, but it is possible to put a link at the beginning of the post allowing the reader to turn it ON. That way it doesn't come blasting out at them - some people (me) like to surf quietly; others surf in rooms where there are other people and a sudden surge disturbs.

I often listen to music or play videos on blogs where it is part of the post, so long as I can just turn it on.

And from a programming point of view it is relatively simple to let your readers turn the sound ON rather then have them reach for the MUTE or Pause button or adjust their volume level.

Apart from this I like your blog - if I didn't I wouldn't have made any comment at all.

Best wishes - my family are shouting for their tea - gottago.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Wonderful sky watch photos,

Jane Hards Photography said...

Congrats on the 1ooth post. Gorgeous
fluufy clouds

Anna said...

Beautiful skies!!!!!!!! I love how the light comes through the leaves in the second picture.

Petunia said...

Petunia's ABC

Sherry said...

Your photos are very nice. Love the clouds in the first one.

Unknown said...

Great shots!

maryt/theteach said...

Carletta, your have lovely photos there! And combining Project Green and Skywatch is perfectly fine and a nice touch! :D

Shelly said...

Happy 100th! I totally see him...that is too funny. Oh, and great pic by the way ;)

Mike "Hawk" Huston said...

Cool site lady, thanks for visiting mine.. I only have a few followers on my site so far but am glad to share with thise who take the time to stop by Hawk a/ho

chanpheng said...

Great pictures for all the various projects.

FO - 2 said...

Nice Sky watch with a green touch. ;)
The last shot is beautiful.
Nice framing. :)

Thanks for visiting my Sky Watch. :)


Mike's Travels said...

Ok. Shrek. Mmm. I'm off for msome champagne to see if it helps.

Tom said...

Hi! again Carletta
I said I'd call back with fresh eyes.. and a rested head. I think I can see what you mean but I think it looks more like Fuzzy Bear... but thats your fault because since you put Kermit on I have been playing the muppets on you tube all week.
Thanks for being out there, and thanks for the fun.

I'll drink to what next week brings now .:o)

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi! Thank you for welcoming me to Sky Watch Friday. Your combo Sky Watch and Project Green picture is beautiful. Congratulations on your 100th post. Lisa

Jeanne Damoff said...

Congrats on 100 posts! I can't really "see" Shrek, but that's probably more a lack on my imagination's part than an intoxication of yours. ;)

Thanks for all your lovely comments on my photos. You're a great encourager.

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

Your photos are lovely - I am looking forward to being a retired teacher - more time for blogging! but I've got a few more years.

Wendy said...

Such puffy white clouds!