Monday, February 9, 2009

Ruby Tuesday:Valentine Gnomes

It's Ruby Tuesday time again! Mary suggested last week we could begin posting red hearts for Valentine's Day. This gives me a good chance to post more of my gnome figurines I mentioned during macro week.
Why so many Valentine gnomes? You see I was my Mom and Dad's Valentine gift many years ago. When I started collecting the gnomes it was a natural idea for my children to give me a new gnome every year for my birthday. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Meet Barney, Hart, and Val
Looks like love makes Spock's hat fall off!! :)
Look closely. Can you guess what's up with these two?
Ah, isn't that sweet!

For more Ruby Tuesday please join Mary by clicking on the badge at the top of my post!


EG CameraGirl said...

Awe! What cute figurines! I Love it that they BOTH have a valentine for the other. It IS sweet.

BeanTownBoy said...

Awesome collection and very appropriate too! You are a Valentine's Gift!!

Dora said...

Lovely figurines for Valentine's Day!

Have fun on Valentine's Day and happy RT!

Ralph said...

These gnomes have a look to make one smile, even if they aren't presenting ruby hearts to you. But the gnomes that are givers of hearts look just a bit more winsome. I like your guys!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Yes! They are adorable.
And Happy Early Birthday.
(just in case I forget later)

Small City Scenes said...

Aw, they are really sweet. You have collected some real cuties. MB

Anonymous said...

Valentines! How sweet. My love has told me to keep my calendar free on Saturday, but he hasn't said why.

Unknown said...

these are cute! nice collection.:D

Becky said...

How sweet!

My RT is up. here, if you get a chance to stop by.

Melli said...

They are darling! I do love gnomes -- I don't WANT them ... but I love to SEE them! I'm finding that to be true of sO many things in my beyond 50 life!

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

Very cute... but I have to admit, I am glad theylive with you not me. I have always been mildy uncomfy around dolls.

Happy RT :)

Ingrid said...

Ah, you have a gnome collection ? that's very special, you are the first one I ever heard of. they look cute !

DeniseinVA said...

A collection to be proud of, I do love your gnomes and great photos as always.

Raven said...

Aw... those are so sweet. Happy almost Valentine's Day!

Pia K said...

My favourite is Val (as I think the top one to the right is called?), he has such a sweet expression. They all look very pleased with their home at your place:)

Jim said...

Hi Carletta, I had to see what was red 'round the bend. You did good, I like your collection.
Happy RT! I am eating agan and antiquing a little and calling it a 'Valentine' red.

Dianne said...

it's very sweet

I love their faces

Kilauea Poetry said...

Touching and perfect for Valentine's day..well then, I hope you have lovely Birthday!
Thanks for stopping with the warm comments!

Anonymous said...

Awwww! Those are soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your Valentine gnomes. Very cute.

Becky said...

Ah yes, Tom Clark gnomes. I love them all and have quite a few. Good choice Carletta for RT.
Have a happy day.

Catherine said...

I've tried yesterday to post my comment, and I realize I failed.
I found them so funny, specially the two last.
But I was wondering, yesterday, if they were decoration for inside ?
They look so pretty. Hope you didn't let them outside. They would disappear without trace !
Happy Ruby Tuesday, Carletta.

soulbrush said...

ha ha these are too funny for words. thanks for visiting my blog too.