Sunday, February 8, 2009

Today's Flowers: Springing Forth

At last in the flower beds there is green pushing through!

Little 'fans' pushing up all over!
Little green sculptures of hope for the coming spring.

For more Today's Flowers,
click the badge.............>


Nikki - Notes of Life said...

That's great news. I've not seen any green shooting through here yet.

Anonymous said...

Spring already? Back home (Northern Idaho) it would be another month for we even started looking for such signs!

Anonymous said...

almost spring....

My entry for TF this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks


Spring? Lucky you! I'm jealous...But nice to see there is hope!

Maria said...

Really! So spring is on its way! Lucky you! Here in Austria I have to be satisfied with flowershops :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could see something green in our garden. But hte snow is melting.
- Cheers.

Tammie Lee said...

How exciting! promises of what is to come.

arleena said...

Now - spring, but nou here in Finland still.

Nice photos.

Raven said...

Green! You have green! I am green with envy! But you have increased my renewing hope that there really is a possibility of Spring.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Lucky you that you have some green coming forth. It is almost here

Neal said...

Great...that gives me hope. Winter gets longer every year around here. :)

DeniseinVA said...

Exciting to see the first sign of spring sprouting forth. Thank you for sharing a promise of spring :) Makes me feel good just to look at those photos.

Judy said...

Little iris leaves!! I would jump up and down if I could even see dirt, let alone green!! But it will come, right?
I love the shadows in the nest post, too, especially the corkscrew shadow!!
And the deer, too

MyMaracas said...

Lucky you! Our snow melted yesterday, but nothing green is showing yet. Do you still have spring peepers in West Virginia - the little frogs that sing in the spring? I still miss those.

EG CameraGirl said...

There's so much hope there in those fans, Carletta.

Alas! My gardens are still under snow. SO, I'll visit yours...via Today's Flowers. ;-)

My Today’s Flower’s post is at
More of Me - EG

Day4plus said...

That is why most of us like the Spring. The new life emerging telling us of good things to come. Yes!!! It is time. MB

Anonymous said...

Crocus? Or tulips? Yaay!

Melli said...

NOW I'm jealous! I have seen NO such evidence in my yard! I'm going to make sure to LOOK HARD tomorrow though!

Dr.John said...

THat is so wonderful. We still have at least a foot of snow on the ground so I doubt anything is pushing up here but it is good to know spring is coming somewhere.

dot said...

Spring is a beautiful new beginning!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Very soon that's gonna bloom in Spring and add some colors to the surrounding :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see this wonderful sign springing forth. Yay! ;-)


Suffeli kuvailee said...

love when spring comes! nice week! and fun when you visited the village in my home pages!

Ingrid said...

I don't do "Today's flowers" for the moment because there are none except in the shops and that's always the same. It's time that spring arrives !
At least you have the first signs !

Firefly Nights said...

I finally had time to stop by and catch up on what I'd missed over the past couple of months when I wasn't reading blogs. Glad to see you're still doing all of your great photography. I especially enjoy Sky Watch and your photos and info on the area and history around where you live.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Wonderful signs of spring, hope they are snow tolerant because we are not done yet.
Our snow will probably be mostly gone today.

George said...

Hooray! We're starting to see some green as well. It sure helps the spirits.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you that you're seeing signs of Spring ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Pietro Brosio said...

Spring is always joyful, isn't it?
Very fine images, with that new green sprouting.

Anonymous said...

The miracle of life!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh my....this is SO EXCITING!!! I hope you can bring us their progress from time to time :)

juliana said...

first shoots? yay!

Mamapippa ... said...

Yes, yes, let the spring come quickly !

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Hi Carletta

Well, the green "round the bend" and is coming back!

Wellcome, then!


Anonymous said...

Good luck to colorful spring!

Leora said...

You have something green coming up? Wow. I can see our ground by the end of Sunday, but it was hard as a rock.

Kilauea Poetry said...

The green of spring pushing forth..refreshing. I had to play "the Rose"..I like Bette, though the song makes me want to cry.