Saturday, January 31, 2009

Snow On Bare Branches
Shadow Shot Sunday

The trees spread out their bare branches
and cradled the snow in their arms.

This is my first entry into Shadow Shot Sunday. For more participants please visit Hey Harriet.


George said...

What a great first entry. Both pictures are exquisite.

Leora said...

Love that top photo. What a wonderful shadow you captured. Like the tree drawing on the snow.

Hot Fudge said...

Congratulations on such beautiful shots in your first SSS.

Just looking at them here in Brisbane, where we are in the middle of a very hot summer, I almost feel cool!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

There is something about shadows of trees in the snow isn't there? Love the close up too!

Bobbi said...

We practically have twinner shots! Snow shadows are so pretty!

PJ said...

I love seeing the snow, it looks beautiful with the tree shadow falling across it. Welcome to SSS!

A Wild Thing said...

I love your header...this is a road I would definitly drive down with Scratchy hangin' out the window.

I can feel the cold off the snow in this crisp winter shot...or maybe it's cause I keep my house so cold...hmmmm(over-active imagination more likely) Ha!

Welcome to SSS, never found so many shadows in my life, nor did I care till now...I'm hooked and eyes are fully opened...


Steve Buser said...

Love the snow shots. I can almost hear the quiet hush it brings.

Pietro Brosio said...

Carletta, these are two pictures so different and both very charming. A great SSS.

Jill said...

Welcome! Very nice shadow!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Really pretty pictures, Carletta. I love taking pics of shadows. I might have to get in on this one.

Anonymous said...

Oh, those blue snow shadows. They are so beautiful! And I never heard of a snow shake! Learn something new every day. You'd certainly need clean snow, but sounds yummy and fun. You sure can't do that in NYC where I grew up!

Unknown said...

Wonderful snow shadows :D

Anonymous said...

what a stunning shadow shot Carletta, well done!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty, pretty!

Hey Harriet said...

Beautiful shadow shots. Such lovely words accompanying the images also :)

Thanks ever so much for joining in Shadow Shot Sunday. Yay! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Chubby Chieque said...

Marvelous entry in your SSS. This is just so lovely.

I love the neat ambiance of the snow and grayish branches that make a dark gray shadows!

Job well done.

Tom said...

Hi Carletta
Love the shadow.... and of course the snow... alas I do not have shots of my land rover in the snow for you today...but my land rover having fun in the mud and water.

Neal said...

Those are great Carletta! You always come up with a good shot.

JunieRose2005 said...


I really love that first shadow shot! Good work!


Ingrid said...

The pictures are beautiful, but honnestly I have enough of winter !! and snow !

Rosebud Collection said...

Beautiful pictures..I complain about the snow all the time, but it is beautiful and a nice backdrop for a shadow..Happy SSS.

juliana said...

i'm envious for your having shadows at all.
lovely shots! :)

maryt/theteach said...

Love this, Carletta! Poetic and wonderous! :)

MyMaracas said...

Your photos and commentary are always so lovely.

The post with the glass stem is amazing, especially enlarged. Awesome!

Kerri Farley said...

WOW! Awesome!

SandraRee said...

Welcome to SSS! Love both pictures and love your choice of music also!

Anonymous said...

I really liked your post today.

my Memories
I wrote in my Memories blog about the roads of my youth and how they were to travel in the winter time.

bobbie said...

I do love your shadows. And your critters, too!

Rose said...

I missed this yesterday--its a good shot...I like the shadow of that tree in the first shot!

Dianne said...

2 really beautiful shots!

Janice Thomson said...

Beautiful shots Carletta - love your captions for each one.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos for your first Shadow Shot Sunday. I missed the deadline, posting on Monday at Sacred Ruminations instead. Such is life.
Hugs and blessings,