For my critter post this week I chose to share some of my feathered friends I found lurking in the past week. You'll need to enlarge all of them for best viewing. When you've finished browsing here join Misty by clicking on the badge to see other Camera Critter posts. You never know what you'll see.

I wonder how cold it felt sitting on that metal in 25 degree weather yesterday!

The cardinals filling up before the storm.

I believe this is a Cooper's Hawk. As I was leaving one day I saw him in the branches and parked farther up the road and tried walking back. He was still a little too far for my zoom lens but enlarge and take a look.

The sun came out yesterday and I saw this guy's shadow in the snow as he flew over the bird feeder. I think he too is a Cooper's Hawk. Again, a little far but if you enlarge this you'll get a much better view. It was a joy to see him against a blue sky after the snow storm.
Remember to click the badge at the top for more critter fun!
Very interesting sequence of pictures, Carletta.
It's always so difficult to photograph animals moving quickly.
Isn't it amazing how birds can be out there and not seem to feel the cold, Nice set of photos
Beautiful photographs with marvellous visitors!
I've never seen so many cardinals at once! West Virginia is sooo different from central Ontario. ;-) I'm in envy mode.
Thanks for sharing these. You did a good job of capturing the hawk (twice). So far I haven't been able to get one, but I'll keep trying.
Carletta, I didn't participate in Camera Critters but I love your cardinals... I had cardinals come to my feeders when I was feeding birds but I stopped when pigeons and squirrels took over! :(
Nice to see so many of these beautiful Cardinals...
I also liked your Sky Watch post.... that must have been some snow fall...
I hope this comment finds you well
Wiggers World
It must be chilly for them. Brrr!
I played too :)
cool! Good shots of the birds. I like the snow on the bare branches too.
Cardinals are gorgeous birds, I love their bright colour. Nice shots.
Ohhhhh you have a LOT more cardinals than I do! I really think I only have one pair. I have a LOT of chickadees and titmouse! I also have one woodpecker and a rarely occasional blue jay - but he is BRILLIANT. I love it when he visits even if he is mean... I've never caught him on camera though.
I got one of those bird feeders that sticks to your window with suction cups this week. I love it! I get such a close up view of the birds -- but can't even THINK about taking a picture of them - they see me every time! They had a different kind that had a one way mirror on it, so I could see them, but they wouldn't see me... I wish I had gotten that one! I might go back.
I stink on hawk IDs....Thank you for feeding the birds..This is a tough winter for them...
Great winter time pics! And I bet it would be freezing perched up there!
All wonderful photos. I so enjoy watching the birds too.
Have a great week
Missouri, Usa
Those cardinals are so brightly coloured, beautiful. They think: "dinner is served", and so does that bird of prey :-|
White cardinal?
I love the red cardinals, male and female. I love their spot of color in any setting. Great photos.
Mine is up over at Feathers,Fur and Fins
Wow! Here we have a yard full of Brazilian Cardinals, but only one full Red Cardinal comes to visit. And no hawks. Great photos. Thanks for sharing.
I just LOVE cute little birdies!! Thanks for posting these pictures:)
wow! gorgeous series of photos, birds looks so wonderful and fantastic. Check out my camera critters here and thanks for leaving a comment.
I have looked and looked at the one with the cardinals...trying to figure out what thought it was bringing to mind...I finally figured it out...Have you read A REDBIRD CHRISTMAS by Fannie Flagg? I think I need to read it again...
Anyway, I LOVE that one with all the cardinals.
Great photos, love the red of the Cardinal.
Hi! I love cardinals. And I'm a bit jealous. I have never had that many male cardinals in one spot at one time. Thank you for sharing.
It is good that you are having a lot of adventure with the birds.
I am not the best at identifying hawks, but I think you are right about it being a Cooper's Hawk.
I love the cardinals - they fly by so fast, brillant flashes of red :)
The poor things they must be freezing ! I can't put up a bird feeder because of the cats ! they would get crazy and the birds too. Fortunately there are enough in the neighborhood.
Carletta: How cool with all the cardinals sharing the food. I always love hawk shots.
the cardinals look like tiny spots of paint scattered around.
magnificent looking hawk(s).. i like birds of prey
Oooooooooh. All those cardinals just about broke my heart. We rarely see more than one pair at a time here. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
What a delightful series of shots - one never tires of looking at birds and watching their antics.
Nifty captures of birds in these wintry trees ... just beautiful.
Hugs and blessings,
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