The snow came leaving between four and six inches.

Then ice to cover and make the snow glisten.

Branches heavy with snow and ice, yet beautiful!

Treacherous roads of ice and snow.

Downed trees meant ten hours without power.
A huge thanks to those who braved the elements!
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How beautiful such a disaster can be... Great captures!
Hi Carletta, Just dropping by for my weekly comment. Sure looks cold. I know being without power helps us appreciate how much we depend on it today. Great shots. Pappy
Beautiful pictures, thanks.
Hi Carletta
These views are very diferents of my country!
But are so beautiful!
Lovely shots. Sounds like what we got last week. It was pretty while it lasted. You captured it so well.
Beautiful - that 4th one is a picture postcard pic.
The ice storm was horrendous. But very pretty too.
Indeed lovely pictures and I am sorry for your loss of power.
I still would like to walk the road with the bend, even with the snow and ice.Slipping and sliding I would think.
Beautiful winter photos!Happy SWF!
your snow scenes look nicer than ours :)
beautiful photos!
Oh beautiful winter scenes, I especially love the second to the last shot, that of the road. I enjoyed these shots, thanks.
The photo of that road is very nice!
But better be carefull.
Nice series from your snow covered landscape.
A little bit dramatic, though.
Beautiful....guess your power is on again. There are so many that won't have for a couple of weeks.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
Oh my - what a storm!
It sure is pretty as a photo though! I love the contrast of the dark trees and the white sky!
Great winterphotos from you this week.Have a nice friday!
It is indeed amazing how absolutely gorgeous a storm like this can be -- if you don't have to get somewhere in a hurry or at all! Your photos are outstanding! Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a good weekend!
Beautiful but you can have it. :)
The images are beautiful but for the circumstances.
Great pictures but bad weather.
Wow, all white, white skies and white road and trees....quite a beautiful scene. thanks for sharing!
Shivering Skies! that's great
It amazes me how something so beautiful can be so dangerous! Hope you kept warm.
Hi Carla, beautiful snow pictures. Those power line guys deserve medals don't they? Thank you for your kind comments on my blog recently. They meant a lot to me.
Hi Carletta,
I love all of these. I'm especially drawn to the 3rd one. That lone tree is dazzling!
Those roads do indeed look dangerous...but wow are they ever pretty!
That road looks dangerous, but oh so beautiful!
I am sitting here in Hawaii shivering! I have a lap blanket and a shawl on!
It looks beautiful! Sorry you were without power for so long.
Oh, Carletta, you got some beautiful shots! Just beautiful.
Looks like my skies, but without the trecherous roads through mountains...thankfully! Stay safe and hope you have power back. Three cheers to all who work in this sort of weather! My in-laws have been without power for 2 days now.
That's real snow skies !! and we will have this weather next week ! I hate snow !! Poor me I was born on the wrong side of the world !
You guys must be really tired of "winter wonderland" and into the realm of "mommy, make it stop!" now. Love the George Winston tune that greeted me upon arrival!
Doo, doo, doo, lookin’ out my back door at the SKY!
Tink *~*~*
It's so gorgeous! Too bad it brings so much misery and suffering with it. Glad you have power again. I heard there are more storms predicted for the south. I hope that they don't materialize and that everyone stays warm and safe.
Good pic and winter is butiful. have nice SWF weekend
I love the snow photos, great !
You have to hand it to those road clearing crews. That's treacherous work. I'm sure they all have a hot thermos of coffee ready at hand!
Trees are as beautiful in winter as in summer. Nature has many ways of culling the weak ones - occasionally at our inconvenience :) A fabulous series of shots Carletta.
Lovely winter scenes. The last is my favourite. So nice to see men at work :)
Still you have captured the snow flurries so well in one of the shots too.
Pretty...even with the bad roads.
Carlaetta: We also got blasted but luckily didn't loose power. You got some neat shots.
Beautiful snow/ice scenes.
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