Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mellow Yellow Oak Blossoms

(enlarge for best detail)
For more Mellow Yellow click here.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous my friend. I've never seen those before. Boy I get to see plenty new things from you. I love it. Have a great week ahead :)

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful lighting on this photo. Those oak blossoms look like golden chains.

judi/Gmj said...

Wonderful shot, love how you focalled the front and fuzzed the background,... it's called creative writing :o)

Rose said...

great shot, Carletta.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Our yard is full of oaks, Carletta, so guess where those oak blossoms are??????? EVERYWHERE.... I have swept the deck a million times this weekend it seems. They come in the house on our feet and clothes. As I said, they are truly all over the place....


RNSANE said...

I've seen many oak trees but I've never seen the blossoms before! They are quite beautiful.

Carolyn Ford said...

They are beautiful but, messy, I guess. I really like this photo...great bokeh too!

Kim, USA said...

I think we have this kind of oak tree. They are really gorgeous very yellow. Happy weekdays!

BlueMonday~Blue Jars

Momgen said...

Looks pretty one. Happy MYM!

Mine is here

Susan Cook said...

Cool close up! Those thingys get all over my car though!

Thanks for sharing♥

Raven said...

Just beautiful!

Ingrid said...

They look like little dancers !

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such pretty, gentle blossoms that must look delightful swaying in the winds!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous capture, Carletta!

Dimple said...

These are lovely! Thanks for playing along and guessing on my puzzle, your hubs was right on, and you both get a gold star, so to speak! If you want to see the gate post in context, I have it as part of my post for today.

Have a great day!

Pat said...

Nice mellow yellow. I never connected those things that fall all over my sister's driveway with oak trees! Now I know!

George said...

This is a wonderful photo. Both the composition and the color are very pleasing. Very well done!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Betsy, I'm sick of sweeping (blowing) oak blossoms! But they are beautiful when they're on the tree. Lovely photo!