Monday, April 12, 2010

Mothman's Ruby Eyes

Glowing Red Eyes
Large Clawed Feet
Nice Abs
The Mothman
As promised last week I introduce you to the Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. He is a legend from my youth. The Mothman is a creature reportedly seen in the Charleston and Point Pleasant areas of West Virginia from November 12, 1966, to December 1967. Most observers describe the Mothman as a winged man-sized creature with large reflective red eyes and large wings.
A plaque on the Mothman statue provides a version of the original legend: On a chilly, fall night in November 1966, two young couples drove into the TNT area north of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, when they realized they were not alone. Driving down the exit road, they saw the supposed creature standing on a nearby ridge. It spread its wings and flew alongside the vehicle up to the city limits. They drove to the courthouse to alert Deputy Millard Halstead, who later said, "I've known these kids all their lives. They'd never been in any trouble and they were really scared that night. I took them seriously."
I can tell you I never saw the Mothman and had no desire to; but at the time it was hard to go to sleep sometimes. :)
Hubby poses as the Mothman!
For more Ruby Tuesday join Mary here.


JunieRose2005 said...

LOL-Very cool!

Hey-your hubby makes a good Mothman, too!

Lynda Howells said...

ha..made me smilex
Happy Ruby Tuesday.x lynda
You can see my Ruby red image at
My daily blog is

Anonymous said...

WOW thanks for the introduction. What a cool looking creature. Love the story. I don't think I would want to meet him either. Good photo of your husband LOL :) I bet you made him do it LOL Mr. & Mrs. Mothman ... too funny :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Nice, I still have a lot of things to explore in West Virginia.

Nostalgic Marveling

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Funny story and pictures -- I couldn't imagine what this was going to be about when I saw the title on my Reader.

SquirrelQueen said...

Cool statue, those eyes and claws are definitely creepy. I've seen the movie but this was more fun.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Neat, Carletta....Wonder if those two couples who saw the Mothman in 1966 are still around --to tell their story????? Has anyone ever seen the Mothman there since???? I love Legends...

Neat picture of your hubby as the Mothman...

Thanks for sharing.

Charlene Amsden said...

Oh wow! Ruling out drugs, I'd really like to know what they saw!

Ralph said...

The ruby eyes give us a look into his/its soul. The metallic mothman surely keeps us up at night, although I am sure he is far more friend than foe. Yet can your husband explain his whereabouts in 1966 and 1967???

judi/Gmj said...

now that is just plain cool!!
I love a good legend.

George said...

I had not heard of the Mothman before -- very interesting. The statue is really neat, but your husband makes a pretty neat Mothman as well.

Leora said...

Now there's something to visit next time we drive through to Ohio! Your hubby looks like he knows how to have fun.

Jim said...

Wow. This might be more exciting than Iowa! We missed it when we drove through, only saw pretty and homey type settings, nothing strange or exciting was spotted.

Happy RT! I finally made it back. I like your OM's red glasses or do they come with the setting?

MaR said...

Impressive statue and interesting legend.
Love the last shot ;)

My Ruby Tuesday

Ingrid said...

Looks pretty scary, lol ! what a monster !
Yes, it is still cold here, this year mother nature is very late !

i beati said...

amazing opening to those eyes. I published the rhyming answers last night under the rhyming game on my blog Sandy

thanks for playing keeps us sharp or sharper or

Robin said...

That is one creepy looking statue, I like your hubby's version better.

Nothing like a good monster story to keep the kids in line, eh?

DeniseinVA said...

I've heard of him. Such an interesting story and a very interesting statue. Loved the last one of your hubby with those red glowing eyes :)

Dianne said...

he's very cool!!
your hubby looks good :)

Unknown said...

Cool! I wish I had stopped there when we were in WV! Very cool!!! My husband and I saw the movie, basically alone in the theater one afternoon, a few weeks after we met and it's the first time he kissed me, lol. Now I associate our first kiss with mothman, lol.

Marice said...

i also wouldnt be able to get close with that mothman! but its pretty interesting! thanks for sharing :)

u may view mine too here

Anonymous said...

What an impressive steel statue!

Patti said...

That is a creepy story. I imagine it would be hard to sleep if you thought Mothman might stop by!


Cool that the town put up a statue in his honor.

EG CameraGirl said...

Funny and scary all at the same time, Carletta! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL, Carletta, you have me howling with laughter!!! I love your perspective of him...from eyes to abs and so on. LOL.

Great shots! Great laughs.

The man of steel.

dot said...

That's a funny story. I hope I never meet up with him. He's pretty creepy looking. lol

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

That Mothman is a lot scary, wouldn't like to find those eyes staring at me in the dark. Thanks for visiting my RT. Hope you had a great Tuesday. :))

Pat said...

Very interesting! This is just the kind of quirky place my husband and I would like to visit!

Craver Vii said...

I'd be scared out of my wits.

Neal said...

WOW that's scary.. Probably has the personality of a girl I dated once. :)

Raven said...

Mothman is scary.... I love that last picture. It's funny scary. Hope all is well with you. I have to catch up on what you've been up to.

Carolyn Ford said...

Wow...that would be something that would stick in the brain for a long time! But, he sure makes a great portrait those BIG eyes!

Tom said...

I love stuff like this.... the stories are really good.

Anonymous said...

Love the red eyes and the detail on the wings and body! I like your hubby as the Mothman!

Local legends and folk lore make the best campfire stories. Did you know that SyFy aired their Mothman movie last night? I'll even admit to watching it (I can't help it, I love science fiction).