(Please enlarge for best viewing.)
This old farmstead sits way back from the road neglected and crumbling. At one time it must have been a beautiful place with the wide open fields in front of it. Through the woods and down the hill behind the house is the river. I imagine at one time the land behind was clear with a road that probably led to the river and perhaps a boat to carry goods. If only these walls could talk; but often as I drive by I hear them whispering.

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Very nice. Love the thoughts on what might have been. Thanks for sharing!
If only to hear the whispers how great. Wonderful pictures.
I love the picture. That would have been a fine house in it's day.
Good to base a story on...
Indeed, this had to be a beautiful homestead in its day. What a large lawn, and the visage of the W Va. hills in the background is beautiful. The sepia adds a different mood - like we are almost transported back in time to when it were 'alive'
Wonderful shot. I'd love to take a peek inside.
Nicely captured. I wonder about these things sometimes on old houses I see that are left abandon.
That photo is even more wonderful when clicked on. The house looks really big with lots of memories.
Lots to imagine when looking at this photo!
You just have sO much scenery around you that lends itself perfectly to sepia! Are you sure you're not living a couple of centuries ago? :)
Yes, I agree, if only!!!
I'd love to hear stories about these old places like this! I imagine the kids walking down to the river to get a bucket of water! I love the history in it!!
This is very nice! I hear them whispering too, "George, George, wouldn't you like to live here?"
"Yes, old Homestead, but, alas, I'm acclimated to the Florida sun."
I'm not crazy!
That sounds like the inspiration for a story. Are you writing it?
I think your old farm house is still keeping a lot of things secret from you even though you are hearing the walls' wispers.
A beautiful scenery and a sad sight, if all the work put down to cultivate the land should be in van.
Somewhere the must be an owner.
Probably not in Florida..
I'm already creating a novel in my mind about this enigmatic place.
From Felisol
Looking good to be made into a postcard :)
A nice country feel within it too.
Great scene, I too would love to see inside, scenes like these make me wish I could have lived back in that time.
That is very beautiful. I need to get in on the sepia scenes more often. I going to make me a chart so I know when all the special memes are. :)
This interesting house must have stories to tell. So many whispers!
Sepia really enhances the history of the homestead.
I love those old farm scenes and like you I can imagine the time when it was alive with activity. My grandmother used to say when asked how things were going, "The old barn is squatting a little more every year." I can understand now. Pappy
Love that picture, Carletta. I oten wonder when I pass an abandoned house or barn.
Close to me, they tore down an old train station. I wanted to get pics but could never get the time. Now I never will.
What a perfect subject for sepia. I am so drawn to old buildings. I would also wonder about its history and former occupants.
That is such a great photo is Sepia. Some photos just lend themselves to it...
This looks like an old postcard. Very well done.
And yes, it makes you wonder sometimes does it not? If old walls could talk?
That must indeed once have been a wonderful place.
Sad to see it crumble.
But hey, it makes for beautiful Photo ops ;)
I love this! So clear and captivating. The name makes you wonder who lived there and how long ago. Mysterious.
Can't you just imagine it in its better days? At one time it was someones pride and joy. I do so love this shot...it is perfect for sepia.
Excellent, Carletta. I bet it was beautiful in its day! You've really made it look old! :)
So sad to see what must have been a beautiful home so crumbled into ruin. I agree. It would be interesting to hear what stories the walls have to tell.
Great sepia color --- So nostalgic looking. Luv it!
How beautiful this scene looks in sepia, Carletta. It is so reminiscent of times gone by, so classical.
One's imagination can run wild, through the lovely visual you present.
ditto on the comments, I always enjoy you photo's--all week long
Beautifully processed Carletta. One can just imagine what it was like in its prime.
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