I think this Y is my favorite find of the challenge. I found this back in February at the beginning of the challenge. I was out picking up sticks that had fallen from the oak tree and turned and there was the most perfect natural Y. If you enlarge this you can see a bird feather nestled in the dried grass.

I'm really pleased too with this line of Y's along an interstate highway. They were all lined up and standing proud. The sign across the highway had lots of X's I noticed and if you look closely W, Y and Z. If you enlarge this next ph

Wonderful letters and what a way to end a meme. That was wonderful and I hope someone comes up with something so us non photography types get to keep enjoying your great work :) Job Well Done
I found the same Z, but I couldn't get a good shot at it. OC has some kind of hang up about parking on the freeway and he absolutely refused to let me hang out the window.
Your Y is super. i hoped you saved it for a sling shot.
Yes, it was fun, wasn't it? I loved every minute of it!! I love them all Carletta, but the stick stands out!! What a great find that is!!
I think I might have an idea for a new challenge?
Isn't it interesting how many angles man-made things along the highway contain? I saw several Z's in metal signs and things but was driving too fast to catch them on film. :-)
Love the Y with the bird feather.
I love the Y light poles.
Great blog. Same as you retired teacher learning how to blog. Must go look for your Watery Wednesday.
Your Y stick is perfect for a slingshot! Ohhhhh I remember those days! My sister and I always had a sling shot! I love your string of Y lights too! It's all good! Great Z!
Thank you sO much for playing along! Wonder what Jientje's got for us now....
Excellent. It's been a treat seeing what you found for each week's challange.
Your perfect natural Y is beautiful!! Great finds as usual!!
I truly enjoyed this meme.
Those are all so good!!
I'm going to miss seeing the clever things you came up with every week.
Very nice findings ! it's sad that it's over now, I joined in so late, but I was in a non creative and very sad period, as my best friend died of colon cancer when the game started.
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