Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bucky and Button - The Yard Visitors

October 25, 2008

Last Saturday as I passed the bay window in my dining room this was what I saw! There was Bucky getting ready to head back into the woods and Button sniffing around the back door!

Be sure to click the badge at the top of my post to join Misty and the other participants posting Camera Critters. You never know what you will see!


Rose said...

I would love having them for visitors!

Anonymous said...

You have lovely visitors! I would never have been able to find my camera in time. Great shots!

Askew To You said...

What a wonderful surprise. I'm very glad that you had your camera handy. :D

Thank you for visiting me at my blog. :D

Ingrid said...

aaaaw is that cute ! I never have such a visitor and I think I haven't seen one in a wood since my childhood !

judi/Gmj said...

Wow, it hunting season here, and the deer know it, they hide. You are truly blessed to have visitors like these. They look very healthy.

Kerri Farley said...

These are fabulous shots of Bucky and Button! What great visitors to have!!!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Great pictures, Carletta! I don't usually get to see the deer here. They only come out at night. The Captain sees them occasionally. As a matter of fact, he came in late a couple of weeks ago and he said there was a whole herd of them along the driveway.
Sure wish I could have seen them!

Janice Thomson said...

What a beautiful pair - the stag is magnificent!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Thanks for the all male review today, love the names.

dot said...

Good looking visitors you had!

Jientje said...

The things YOU see looking out your bakdoor!!! Amazing!
Enjoy your weekend!

juliana said...

oh, this is great! they really seem to enjoy your yard...

Neal said...

They are so cute!

Dr.John said...

In Crystal we had deer all the time. We hated them because they ate the flowers.

Willard said...

That's a nice buck. I'm glad you were able to photograph him. Some of the larger ones have started to show up here since the rut has started.

We were also at Shenandoah National Park on Thursday and saw several large bucks which I hope to post in the future.

I also liked your skywatch photos, especially the shot of the moon.

ratmammy said...

lovely photos! they are such gentle creatures, it seems to me...

Lilli & Nevada said...

NOthing nicer than a deer as long as it don't eat all the flowers

magiceye said...

wonderful visitors!
well captured too!

Raven said...

Wow! They are so beautiful. I envy you these visitors. Beautiful photos. I thought I saw a deer in silhouette on the highway side of my back fence a few months ago but I wasn't fast enough with my camera and I haven't seen her since. Probably just as well... not a smart place for a deer to hang out.

Anonymous said...

I love the names you gave these deer! And I love "looking" out your window with you and "seeing" them!

kenju said...

On Friday as I left for work, there was a deer in our yard by the mailbox. As I rounded the next corner, there were 4 crows and 3 squirrels in the street. Of course, I didn't have my camera.

Juliana RW said...

great shots. lucky you that u have camera next to u :D

Mine CC post in HERE. Hope you have time to visit. Thanks.

Dina said...

Marvelous to have deer so close!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful creatures - and they feed themselves. As long as they don't eat the trees.

MaR said...

Beautiful visitors!! and lovely shots.

George Townboy said...

Bucky and Button are very cool!

Jeanne said...

That is so awesome to have these beauties come and visit so close. Thanks for sharing with us.

Sherrie said...

Great Photos! They look really relaxed and not afraid at all. Thanks for stopping by my place. Take Care!!


Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos of your visitors :) What a lovely sight to see out of your window :)

Gretchen said...

Great photos! I love seeing deer roaming around wild and free.

Shelly said...

Girl, you must keep your camera in you pocket! How DO you do it? ;)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Incredibly jealous each week of these shots. How lovely tohave the creatures on your doorstep tahy msut feel so safe.

Melli said...

Ohhhhhh my! You've NAMED them? LOL! How cute! I never thought to name ours... But I don't get to see them as often as you see yours! Very sweet!

Reader Wil said...

Carletta, thank you for sharing those wonderful photos.

i beati said...

so so lovely and peaceful and a great WVU win !! sandy

Misty DawnS said...

I must admit that the fact you have those visitors to your yard makes me very jealous ;-) They are so beautiful.