Monday, April 4, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Many readers who visit my blog regularly will know that just over a couple of weeks ago we had quite a bit of flooding in the area. The Ohio River crested six feet above flood stage in some areas. This is one of the images I took during that week. Thankfully I wasn't affected in any way.
I was standing in a grocery store parking lot above this tree full of red berries looking down over the embankment and zoomed in on the tree. Its trunk is probably about four feet under water. It had been planted on a sloped bank by the street.
I really like the late afternoon sunlight glistening on the water and reflecting the blue sky of that afternoon as well as the two shades of water. The clearer water is over where the actual street is buried underneath. The brick wall in the background separates the street from a local college stadium.
The river has been back to normal, we've had snow as recent as last Thursday night and we're hoping for temperatures in the mid seventies today. I so hope that weatherman is right!
For more Ruby Tuesday join Mary here.


Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me with this fantastic photos. I just love this one. It's picture perfect :)

diane b said...

A good shot of a bad situation. Hope everything is back to normal. We still have many people homeless from our floods in January.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Carletta, Sorry about your flooding, but glad you weren't affected personally.

Great Ruby Tuesday photo.. Love that 'red' tree.

Back from vacation --trying to catch up a little!!!!

Robin said...

Oh my goodness. I take back all the nasty thoughts I had about the oh so slightly flooded intersections I had to drive through today.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Kala said...

Look at that beautiful tree standing in so much water! I am glad to read that the river is back to normal. Nature seems to have a way of healing herself.

George said...

This is a fascinating photo of the tree. I hope it survived the flood. We're expecting some severe storms here today. I hope the weatherman is wrong!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I hope so too (the weather). Was that beautiful tree damaged by standing around in all that water? Maybe it was good for it.

Becky said...

I love red berries on anything. What a beautiful tree.
The creek behind our house is over it's banks again. So many times this year.
Have a great rest of the week carletta.

Kim, USA said...

This is a very unique photo. But I hope the water already subsided and hope that not too many people are affected. Take care!


Neal said...

That is an interesting picture. You always seem to be at the right place and the right time. :)

Leora said...

Hope those effected by the floods can have a rosy spring, like this tree seems to enjoy. A beautiful shot.

Cafe au lait said...


I played too. Mine are here and here.

Hootin Anni said...

This has been a most unusual season of storms...glad to hear the flooding didn't effect you tho. The artistic value of this photo is perfect.

My Ruby Link:
Cute Easter Egg Cup

Do stop by to say hello. Have a super day!!

JunieRose2005 said...

WOW! ....WELL-at least you got a good picture out of the flooding conditions. Hope things are better by now!

I have a Barn Charm photo this time!


Jan n Jer said...

Great shot. Hope the flooded tree will survive in all that water.

Ingrid said...

Your picture is beautiful ! flooding less !

Dianne said...

I hope that sweet tree's roots held in all that water!
glad you weren't affected

the photo is lovely

Felisol said...

It's an amazing photo.
Made me remember the old Seekers song,"
We shall not, we shall not be moved.
We shall not, we shall not be moved.
Just like a tree that's standing by the water side
We shall not be moved."
Hope your Ruby Tuesday Tree wasn't moved either.

Pat said...

As that saying goes, "A pictures says a thousand words," and this proves to be true here. Wow.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

I think that was Food for Less, right?