Thursday, March 31, 2011

Weekend Reflections and LEM Photo Challenge - A Different Perspective

It's been rainy and gloomy here all week so reflections have been hard to find without the sun. Right now as I type this there is a rain and snow mix falling as evening begins to descend in my little corner of the world. I was out in the yard at the end of February when I took these photos of our small fish pond. I love the reflected stone of our water fountain. I hope you'll enlarge this to get the best view. When I sit and look at it intently I want to be transported to the fairytale world it seems to emanate from.
When I moved to the end of the pond and looked back I was able to catch the sky that had fallen into the pond and imagine that this was the scene the fairytale world was looking out at.
I hope you enjoyed this little escape from reality with me.

For more Weekend Reflections join James here.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful my friend :)

Amila said...

What beautiful seen,full of tranquility!

quilly said...

I love the upside down fairlylands that reside in waters. They always seems to be magical places of peace.

Janie B said...

Beautifully calm and peaceful. Love it!

Dhemz said...

very nice...peace and quite...:)

Happy April Fool's! Hope you can visit my Skywatch Friday entry. Thanks!

Maude Lynn said...

It does look like a fairy world!

Sylvia K said...

Needless to say I do so relate to gray and gloomy!!! But your reflections are terrific, Carletta, as always! Hope you get some sun soon! Have a great weekend!


'Tsuki said...

Nices captures ! The one with the leaf floatting is really amazing ; the sky looks so vivid en it...

Springman said...

Many drops make a bucket, many buckets make a pond, many ponds make a lake, and many lakes make an ocean.”
Percy Ross

forgetmenot said...

Carletta, Beautiful, as always. I too, love the stone reflecting on the water. Lovely. Mickie

Neal said...

Very nice my friend. :)

Dimple said...

Both wonderful shots; I, too, like the rocks, and the reflected clouds frame the leaf beautifully!
Thanks for coming by, it was nice to see your name in my comment list!

Dianne said...

the stone is lovely reflected :)
rain and snow here too

Anonymous said...

The leaf looks lonely. I really like that shot.

The stacked stones look really cool in the reflection.

kayerj said...

I really like the rock shot. nicely done on both.

Nature Rambles said...

Thanks for taking us along, Carletta! Beautifully captured! Love the reflections of the stones in the water.

Ingrid said...

But you managed to make some pretty pictures !

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm amazed the water was not frozen in February! The reflection is lovely.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

soon your summer will be here, and you will have laughter as you swim in the warm water.