Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Melli's ABC Challenge: Letters U and V

This is week eleven of Melli's Wednesday ABC Challenge. She wants us to 'find the alphabet revealed either in nature...or elsewhere...but found naturally--unassisted by us.'
Today's letters are U and V.

U found in the jungle gym equipment on a playground.

(Sorry, but when I was cropping I inadvertently saved over the original and no longer have it to show you.)

V found in the bathroom light fixture.
(Eight to be exact.)


quilly said...

I say, that's a pretty darn fancy light fixture for the bathroom. We just have bare bulbs ... of course they're the fancy globe kind ....

Good choices. Mine aren't up yet. I should get busy.

Thom said...

Very nice letters Carletta. As with Quilly all I have is a bare bulb in my room also...Must be a Hawaii thing

Hootin Anni said...

Great finds....I love the light fixture clear and so sharp. Great photography.

EG CameraGirl said...

You're good, Carletta! You've got keen eyes for finding the letters of the alphabet. ;-)

MaR said...

Lovely choices. I think everybody falls in love with your bathroom light fixture!

darkman said...

Like the lamp.

Rose said...

I like the picture of the really are observant. I don't always comment on these, but always enjoy seeing what you come up with.

Janet said...

Excellent! I agree with Quilly -- that's very fancy for a bathroom light. :-)

Melli said...

That is YOUR bathroom light fixture??? It's GORGEOUS! WOW!

Aren't playgrounds GREAT for letters? I've found numerous ones! I had a U from the playground too - but mine was very different! I'll use it for a Ruby one day!

Ingrid said...

Nice findings ! I continue to see letters everywhere, lol !

Barbara H. said...

That is a great U, and what a pretty set of Vs!

Nessa said...

The colors are so vibrant.

Rabbit, rabbit.

Jientje said...

My favourite is the light fixture as well! Good one!

Dr.John said...

Good choices. So many v's.

sildenafil said...

I love this type of games, this one in particular is awesome, now I know what to play with my kids, I was running out of ideas.