Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sky Watch: A Child and A Toy

Tuesday there was a break in the snow and cold and the skies off my back deck beckoned to be noticed.
It's hard for others to see what we 'think' we ourselves see in the clouds. On the right side of this one I think I see a child running with their arm bent at the elbow and glancing back to the clouds behind.
If you don't see my vision it's ok. I hope you'll look up wherever you are and find one of your own to enjoy.
In this shot I tried to capture the noisemaker who had come interrupting my quiet solitude. The shot is blurry but if you enlarge it you can see my distractor of peace and quiet. Looks like a toy to me. :)

For more Sky Watch participants please click on the badge at the top of my post.


bobbie said...

Whatever you see, I love these cloud formations, dark and light. and the helicopter is super.

Anonymous said...

what a clouds...

My SWF entry this week : in HERE. I hope you have time to visit. Thanks

Anonymous said...

It took me a while, but I finally do think I see the child you did. Lovely cloud shots!

Kathie Brown said...

That's one giant mosquito disturbing your reverie!

EG CameraGirl said...

I see the helicopter! How dare he disturb you and your lovely imaginings about what the clouds look like!

Florida Water said...

It's true: what we see in the clouds says more about us than the clouds. But those puffy cumulus clouds are a cloud-watcher's dream.

Photo Cache said...

Whatever mood the clouds/sky is at the moment, it uplifts me, makes me smile. That's why I love to skywatch.

Anonymous said...

I looked for the child but couldn't see he/she you have a very good imagination but I did see the helicopter.

Steffi said...

Beautiful pictures!Happy SWF!

Jientje said...

I've done that since I was a little girl, and I still do that a lot, trying to figure out the shapes in the clouds!

Leora said...

Your distracting noise maker reminds me of the television show MASH. I love those blue skies with grey/white clouds. I see beauty all over!

Dewdrop said...

Lovely clouds captures. Glad you got a break.

juliana said...

i always love to look for shapes in the clouds - provided the clouds have shapes. and i can see a human figure in that photo :)

Unknown said...

This was three real great photos, Carletta!

Have a nice weekend.

Reader Wil said...

Yes I see your helicopter! Like the plane in my first photo. Thank you for your great photos, Carletta!

George said...

Thanks for sharing your break in the clouds with us.

Kim said...

The clouds are lovely. It's great that you got a picture w/ the helicopter too!

Lene said...

Beautiful sky-photos!

Have a nice weekend :)

Carver said...

I love to find scenes in the clouds. Great shots and I also have helicopters disturbing my peace fairly often.

Jane Hards Photography said...

These clouds look a light a a feather

Anne-Berit said...

Oh yes,a helicopter can make a lot of noice.Beautiful photos.

JunieRose2005 said...

Oh- Carletta! My favorite kind of skies...the blue with the white fluffy clouds! Love them all!!

I had a Blue, blue sky today but with not a single cloud!


Dianne said...

we get days when the copters from the army base are endless

they always sound like they're landing on the roof

pretty clouds


Beautiful clouds..
Nice shots ...I love the Héli one..
Thanks for sharing...

Mary said...

Lovely clouds and I do see what you saw...took me a minute.

judi/Gmj said...

such peace and serenity here. Loving the music and the clouds.. I see your distractor without enlarging it. ugly little toy.

Firefly Nights said...

Just wantead to stop by to say hi. I haven't had much time lately for blog reading but I'll be back soon to catch up on all that I've missed and to view your great photos.

Linda said...

Nice to see that you had a break in the snowy weather. Looking at that sky almost makes one think that it is warm outside. At least we can hope.

Pietro Brosio said...

Very beautiful Sky Watch, Carletta.
In effect, the helicopter is noisy in a peaceful landscape like that one! Great images.

Ingrid said...

Since I participate in Sky watch, I too look always up in the sky when I look out of the window or am on our patio ! It's amazing what beautiful skies I have here sometimes. I never realized before. I too like to see figures in the clouds !

Anonymous said...

Whatever you see, they are white and blue and fluffy and beautiful. I never tire of watching clouds.

Guy D said...

Great shots Carletta, thanks for sharing.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Unknown said...

Isn't if funny how you can be so into taking nature photos and some LOUD plane or helicpoter just ruins the entire moment?

Louise said...

I like the puffiness of the clouds.

Anonymous said...

billowy and beautiful
yes, i spied that helicopter! gr8 capture

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: It is nice to let your imagination run wild in the solitude of the clouds. I see your toy helicopter.

DeniseinVA said...

I have to learn to study my clouds more to see my own visions. We all need that kind of quiet contemplation. I thought your photos were lovely again. Happy SkyWatch Friday.

Raven said...

Beautiful sky. Haven't seen one of those in quite a while here. Cool shot of the helicopter too.

Janice Thomson said...

Oooh isn't it great to see the sun! We did one day but it's gone gray again...sigh. Love looking at these.