Saturday, February 7, 2009

Camera Critters: The Deer Closeup

Hey lady, yes you, looking out your dining room window.
We're here for our closeups. Yeah, make us pretty!

For more Camera Critters click the badge..........................>


b13 said...

I love that cute stare they have!

Anonymous said...

Deer portraits! How nice and still they stood for you! And they do look lovely.

Kerri Farley said...

These are Fabulous! What a great view from your dining room window!!

Neal said...

Great shots Carletta. Have you trained them to pose for you? :)

Melli said...

I'm sO jealous. Those are beautiful!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Beautiful pictures, Carletta!
We have deer here, but I never see them. The Captain sees them all the time, but it's always at night.

George said...

Wonderful pictures. When we see deer they are usually looking away from us! I'm glad your deer agreed to pose.

EG CameraGirl said...

OH MY! The deer doesn't look one bit afraid of you. Wonderful photo!

Teena in Toronto said...

Great shot! Too bad people shoot them :(

I played too :)

Juliana RW said...

wow...that was so close up ;)

My entry for CC this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks

Carolina said...

The deer that occasionally visit our garden unfortunately don't pose for photos. These are lovely!

Reader Wil said...

I love deer and cats too. Did you see the video "What a Wonderful World" on my blog? It's about a deer and a cat that firsr licks the face of the lying deer and later sleeps next to him.
Your photos are great!

Reader Wil said...

Of course you saw that video: I saw your comment! Thank you!

Chrissy said...

That's a fantastic shot. Great capture.

Pietro Brosio said...

Great shots, Carletta! These deer portraits are lovely. They seem to pose for you, indeed.

Mojo said...

What a lovely couple... and to think, they chose you for their wedding portraits! You must be so proud!

Bruce said...

What cooperative deer...or maybe just a couple of hams. Nice photos!

Misty DawnS said...

WOW!!! Those were taken through a window?!?! Those are absolutely spectacular photos! I love this!

Raven said...

Beautiful shots. How nice of them to cooperate and pose so beautifully. You seem to have followed their instructions. They look beautiful.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Look at those big beautiful brown eyes, Have you ever wondered how people could shoot them? Nice photos

Dr.John said...

Those are great pictures and I like them even though I really dislike the animal.

ratmammy said...

i love the close ups! Very nice! Thanks for visiting us.. be sure to post photos if you do get similar toy for heidi. :)

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful. I would love to look out my window into those eyes.

Grammy said...

Wonderful close ups. Must be awesome to get so close.

Have a great week.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: What a beautiful deer capture, very special those two.

Barbara said...

Great close ups. Smiles B

Becky said...

And pretty you did make them! They have such wonderfully soft faces.

Dianne said...

you made them pretty!!

I'd love to have visitors like that outside my window :)

Janice Thomson said...

Fantastic close-ups. Love that tiny green blade of grass hanging out of the mouth. Beautiful.

Ingrid said...

What a beauty ! and his eyes !!

i beati said...

beauteous shadow too..Sandy

whenever I come here it's like coming home

Willard said...

You outdid yourself with these, Carletta. I like to see the up close photos like that.

I am so glad you are enjoying the deer that visit your home.

Terry said...

dear carletta
you sure do have a way with the deer.
they give you so many camera shoots, you and your gentle camera!
this one is magnificent!