Monday, February 2, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: At The Playground

Last week Mary suggested taking photos of our home office if there was any red in it. It will soon be two years since retiring. In my last home the kitchen table was the 'home office.' Today that's still where I pay the bills or address a quick letter or package and I blog from my computer on a table in the sunroom where I can look outside and see the sky. There's no late night teacher lesson plans or papers to go over. Full time retirement leaves room for only the 'what I want to do' things in life. No longer do I need an office and a desk to accomplish the everyday tasks of making a living. Thankfully, I've left that world behind. Today my life is a playground and I'm loving every minute!


Dr.John said...

Great picture but I prefer a real stagecoach.

Twisted Fencepost said...

That stage coach is adorable!
I'm so jealous that you get to enjoy retirement and not worry. Atleast not too much.

Ralph said...

i like the stagecoach bars. Why not have the playground items in RED? It seems to be attention getting and inviting in red.

Agreed with the previous, enjoy your retirement with its no-set-schedule let you relax. It seems with those in teaching that you have earned your occupation that works the individual hard as our kids learned...

George said...

Enjoy your playground -- I sure did. Isn't it nice not to have to worry about lesson plans or grading papers?

judi/Gmj said...

That's why occupation on my profile is
retired! Retired! RETIRED!

It's great to be forever in blue jeans isn't it? :D

Wonderful Ruby Tuesday post!

Tink *~*~* said...

You are very lucky. I don't think I can retire on time. My 401K is in the toilet!

My Mobile Adventures *~*~* Presents: RED Stuff at the EPCOT Festivals in Walt Disney World

Tink *~*~*

Anonymous said...

A perfect place to relax. I like to sit there. Thanks for the comment. God bless. Advance Happy Valentines Day!

EG CameraGirl said...

Love your new-style stagecoach office. ;-)

You can view my Ruby Tuesday post at

Leora said...

A fun red stagecoach! All aboard!

My office is such a mess, there's no way I would want to photograph it. My daughter, the only person in our house who doesn't share a room, decided her room is too small so she moved many of her toys into my office.

Tara said...


What a great shot and what a nice time in your life!

Anonymous said...

Oh well said Carletta! I love life as a playground!! Blessings...

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

I am only 28, but I can't wait to retire.

I love your shot of red...

I will post my RT tonight (y'all are too speedy to keep up with.)

Dora said...

Nice place to sit and relax. :)

Mojo said...

One of these days I'll be able to make the same claim.

And I'm only the right six numbers away.

Very interesting playground equipment you have there!

Steve Buser said...

Here's wishing you and your playground sunny days.

Jan said...

Love your playground. That stagecoach looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

Great photo. Great music. There is something reminiscent of Tom Jones in Clint Holmes' style, but I can't quite pinpoint it.

Pietro Brosio said...

Beautiful image for Ruby Tuesday, Carletta!
I'm glad you fully enjoy your life! :-)

Felisol said...

Hello, Carletta,
I like your stagecoach retirement life.
Good picture. Good motto.
The other day I watched TV where abig shot in Mobile Oil said the difference between Americans and Norwegians is, the Americans live to work and the Norwegians only work to live.
He said that as a criticism.
Like you I am retired, I love to play both outdoors and with a zillion hobbies indoors.
Life is such a great gift, isn't it?
From Felisol

Catherine said...

Bonjour Carletta,
"Your life is a playground" with a Red stagecoach where you invite us to play with you at Ruby Tuesday amond other things. Make the most of this time retirement. Blogging is one of your occupation, I like to share it with you.

Anonymous said...

Nice and fun-looking!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Love the red Stage Coach play gym. How exciting that you are enjoying your retirement so. Great Stuff!
Happy RT!
Eaton. :)

Robin said...

I'm with Kay - I'm still years away (though quite a bit closer to it than she is) but I'd retire tomorrow if I could! GREAT choice of photo for your office, I love the sentiment which led it.

Kostas said...

Nice shot. Very good photograph with extraordinary subject!

Becky said...

I really like this one. The red really stands out.

My RT image is posted here. Please stop by if you get a chance.

Neal said...

C'mon Carletta, I know you would love to go back to teaching and get back in the groove. :) Seriously, I've enjoyed retirement also. It's been almost 8 years since I retired and that's hard to believe.

Dirkjogt said...

Lovely toy and a nice picture.

Rose said...

Do you miss teaching at all? I thought I would miss the orchard, and I do a little sometimes, but not on days like this where it is cold and the wind howling! We are getting snow as I speak, but it isn't supposed to amount to anything. But that wind is strong.

Chubby Chieque said...

Wow!!! it seems your enjoying as a retiree. Am dreaming as one §:-)

That's a cute see-saw for kiddies!

Love the colour combination, red & white.

Have a nice day, Madame...


Kerri Farley said...

Oh, this is nice!

Olga said...

What a wonderful post: both the picture and the writing!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I love this picture!!♥

Happy RT to you..

Ingrid said...

I join in your playground ! what do you think of using the coach as blogging space ?

Melli said...

THAT is a beauty of a red stagecoach! LOVE it! I spent a day at the playground recently too... hmmm.... I wonder if YOU were pondering what I was pondering!

I don't have an office either... I have a desk by the front window... and out my window I saw my red cardinal! That will have to do!

Sherrie said...

That looks like so much fun to play on!! And it's RED!! Have a great day!!


Dianne said...

what fun that stagecoach is!!

it's wonderful that you're enjoying retirement :)

Pia K said...

Oh, that's the right attitude, my life is a playground! Great illustrative photo of that fact too!

Jientje said...

It's nice to be able to look outside from where you're blogging. And I know there is always something interesting to see. Photography is one of those "what you want to do " things, and you do it well! Great ruby!

Anonymous said...

What a fun yard toy ... I'll bet the kids love it when they're not in school.
Hugs and blessings,

maryt/theteach said...

Carletta, what a wonderful RED play car/carriage for kids and grownups (if they want). I'm glad you don't have to have a home office anymore! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

Raven said...

I love it. Glad you are loving your life. What a nice thing to be able to say. I forgot it was Tuesday. Took me 5 hours (7 computer outages) to post what I did manage. I'm cranky now.

juliana said...

what a fun coach!
perfect 'office!:)

JunieRose2005 said...

Carletta, That's a neat red picture!

Any kid would love to climb on that!


Janice Thomson said...

What a unique and delightful post Carletta. Love your stagecoach.
I've been retired for ten years now and never been happier so know how you feel :)