Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Watery Wednesday: Frozen Precip

Temps are still hovering below freezing as they have for days and the windchill at present is at nineteen degrees. In my little corner of the world any water remains frozen and with four inches of snow and sleet on the ground getting out just isn't an option. Today I've had to improvise on what might qualify as watery. How about a glass of snow?

My blogger friend, Rose, mentioned one day not long ago the irresistible urge to eat snow. That made me think of snowshakes my Mom would make us when I was growing up. You added milk, sugar and vanilla to a glass of snow. I bet some of you have had those. We always took the top of the snow from something flat as I did today.

If you enlarge the photo I thought the drops looked like an asteroid field in space and near the bottom of the glass on the left hand side what looks like a diamond chip. Oh if they were that easy to find! If you're going to sneek a little snow to eat you might not want to look too closely at those other little spots around the bottom. I was tempted to make a snowshake today. After downloading this closeup, I passed on the idea! :)
Be sure you enlarge this one.
Happy Wednesday Everyone!

For more Watery Wednesday posts please be sure to click the badge at the top of my post.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE these! How creative. I wonder what a glass of snow tastes like. :-) That last shot is really something else. I love the reflection of the trees in the glass. Awwwww-sum capture!

Raven said...

Never heard of a snow shake but it sounds like a lovely idea. These are both clever and creative, but I LOVE the second one!

George said...

I haven't had a snowshake in ages. Thanks for the memories. The last photo is fantastic. I'm really impressed with the reflection you captured.

Gill - That British Woman said...

That second shot is just great. I wouldn't eat the snow, not in this day and age, especially as we live in a city, its never ever clean.....

Gill in Canada

Jientje said...

I enlarged that last one, and by God, it's worth it!
I don't think eating snow in Belgium would be a great idea! With all that fog we've been having lately?
But yours looks great!

judi/Gmj said...

I know just how yu feel, stuck by the weather. I mean when you have to blog your fish as watery... how desprate is that. I like snow cones! really snow and drizzled with flavored sugar syrup... yum. I'll bet if we looked real close at most of the food we eat we would weigh less. :D

Leedra said...

Very creative with the glass stem. Love the trees showing in it.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

Dr.John said...

Really love that last picture. The reflection in the glass is so great.

Dianne said...

so amazing! the 2nd one is stunning!!

bass said...

Hhhmmm... it's funny. I remember one time in A'dam, we have to boil a pot of snow to see how clean it is. thanks for sharing.

JunieRose2005 said...

AHHH-Carletta! Very COOL! ;)

My husband has talked a lot about how his mom used to make 'Snow Cream' for them when they were kids growing up in Alabama!

(I didn't get to do 'Watery Wednesday' OR 'Ruby Tuesday' this time!)


Unknown said...

Sounds like a good winter treat. Up in Maryland where I am from "snow cone" stands are the rage ... but they are only open in summer.

Barbara said...

I took your advise and enlarged the 2nd photo. I have to tell you the effect took my breath away.
Great Photo Carletta.
Smiles B

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos, very creative. The snow shake your mother used to make not only sounds delicious but it is a lovely memory. We finally got snow over here and there is an ice-storm on the way. I won't be going outside for a while. Happy Watery Wednesday.

Mojo said...

Very clever improv! And if you decide to go making snow shakes or something, just remember the advice of that old sage Frank Zappa.

Rose said...

I meant to tell you when you made that comment on my blog, we would get a pan of snow and add the sugar, vanilla, and cream and we called it snow cream. Wait till Neal sees your post, cause we talked about this not too far back.

Anonymous said...

Here it's getting warmer, so we need ice for our drinks! =)

My Watery Wednesday entry is posted here. Happy Mid-Week!

EG CameraGirl said...

I've NEVER had a snow-shake...but hey! It sounds good!

Anonymous said...

Looks refreshing!

I have never had a snow shake, but I have had snowcones made from real snow.

Anonymous said...

I enlarged the photo and I love the bare trees reflection on it. Neat!

Pietro Brosio said...

Great compositions, Carletta!

Guy D said...

Great idea for water shots, very unique. I love em.

Regina In Pictures

elizondo said...

Hi cool cool pic, snow on a glass :)

Hope you can join Saturday Footwear Fever at its first week now.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a Wintery Watery Wednesday post. I love the miniature in the stem of the glass in the second photo. It could be a snowglobe. Re snow shakes -- you know what they say: Don't eat yellow snow.

Mamapippa ... said...

What a wonderful shot ! You have great ideas.
But a snowshake, I never knew it exists ...

George Townboy said...

GREAT shots! Love the last one in particular.

Don't eat the yellow snow.

Janet, said...

Nice pictures! I forgot to take pictures of the snow yesterday, so I went out last night and took a few. I took a picture of the icicles hanging from my bird feeder on the deck and put it on my blog. We called snow shakes snow cream, and it was delicious.

Kerri Farley said...

How unique and creative!! I've never had a snow shake before :)

Anonymous said...

The woods reflection is simply lovely! I'm not sure I'd go for a snowshake these days either - maybe there was just as much pollution back then, but it just seems like it should be worse today. But what a wonderful childhood memory, and a wonderful post!

Neal said...

A glass of snow .... that's the last thing we need. :) Did you ever eat snow cream? When I was growing up my mom would make us snow cream once in a while. I can't remember what was put in the snow but I think there was milk, vanilla flavoring, and maybe some sugar. Since we never got ice cream it was really a treat.

Allison said...

A snow shake sounds great right now! When I was little I couldn't resist eating icicles either...they were just as good as a popsicle.

Anonymous said...

Surely looks oh so cold!!


I remember i ate snow during childhood - almost forgot that! The second picture is absolutely beautiful - and it is clever! Creativ thinking!

Ingrid said...

Real creative photos ! I didn't know about a snow cocktail, that sounds wonderful ! but we don't have snow here very often although it's very cold.

Anonymous said...

Incredibly creative. WOW! That reflection- I'm speechless.

Janice Thomson said...

A stunning shot that last one - definitely worthy of a high-end photography magazine. Beautifully done Carletta.