Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Melli's Alphabet Challenge

This is week two of Melli's Wednesday ABC Challenge. She wants us to find the alphabet revealed either in nature ... or elsewhere... but found naturally -- unassisted by us.
Todays letters are 'C' and 'D'.

Here is letter 'C' posing as the handle of my
coffee cup.

The Letter 'D'

Of course it needs to be the left ear!


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow I am going to find a gazillion C's -- when I don't need them. The dang things hid when they heard I was looking for them!

Your D is backward ... ;)

But mpost of all, I love your coffee cup!

Jientje said...

I never would have thought of that D!! You've done well! And I agree, I bet today I'm going to find tons of them!

Leedra said...

I was real slow on the D. Finally got it. You did real good.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra

Hootin Anni said...

I played Melli's Challenge this week too. She informed me to do TWO a week, so I'm playing catch up with A B C and D today.

Have a glorious day today. Stay warm tho!!! BRRRRRRRR

Ingrid said...

Hehehe ! your D is funny !

Melli said...

Was this here last night when I commented up above??? I missed it!

YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I would NEVER have thought of an EAR! That is about as natural and nature as it gets! WELL DONE!!!

Anonymous said...

Creative! Nice post! By the way, you were right. It was a car ferry.

Kerri Farley said...

My word...you are REALLY good at this! WOW!

George said...

I think these are two of the most creative alphabet challenges that I've seen. Great job.

Anonymous said...

I looked at some stuffed animals and such for a C or D -- didn't think about a human ear!! Those are great!

I'm late getting mine posted bit finally did.

Anonymous said...

These are great finds!
I love that mug and the idea for a C!
I had a hell of a time with the B last week.