Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sky Watch: Blue Skies - Finally!

January 21, 2009
Finally after days of cold and snow and grey skies I see blue!
The day just kept getting better!

Click the badge to visit sky views from around the world!


Gill - That British Woman said...

I love how the trees are in those photos, so pretty.

Gill in Canada

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and I do love the trees against that great sky! Happy SWF Carletta!

Anonymous said...

Those of lovely. The colors and clouds are so delicate.

EG CameraGirl said...

The skies are blue and the clouds fluffy and white. Looks like a gorgeous day to be out with your camera, Carletta. ;-)

Janice Thomson said...

Oh yes I love that bottom one! What lovely lovely music with this.

Torunn said...

Really loveley colours, even if it`s snow :-)

Dirkjogt said...

Nice winter sky! Here again everything grey and a lot of rain.
Love the sepia picture of the old bridge too.

Anonymous said...

The day just kept getting better indeed.
Beautiful blue sky color.

Mary said...

It is always amazing how much a little blue can brighten your spirits! :) So pretty! Happy SWF.

Leedra said...

My pick -- 2nd photo.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra

Louise said...

The blue is beautiful, and framing it with the tree is spectacular!

Eve said...

Oh, beautiful... and soon it will be Spring!

Photo Cache said...

Seems like you had a wonderful winter day. Thanks for sharing your pretty skyscape.

Reader Wil said...

After all those grey skies we could also use some blue skies. It would make all the difference. Yours are beautiful.

Tarolino said...

Such pretty and uplifting images. The clouds look so light and floaty. Very nice post.

Janie said...

I'm glad you got some blue sky, which always lifts the spirits. The trees against the sky are very pretty.

Jan said...

Wonderful choices for SkyWatch. Glad you're getting some sun.


I like the last one, with the trees in front! A much nicer weather where you live - than where I live!

Raven said...

Isn't it just wonderful when the blue comes out and smiles on us? Or other little touches of color in the bleak monotone skies.

Brad Myers said...

Good photos, like you we finally had some blue skies and warmer weather today, but it looks like it won't last long.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Delicate pastels are so lovely.

Quiet Paths said...

So happy for your fluffy clouds and blue sky. We finally saw that today after 10 days of hoar frost and ground fog. I know how you might feel!

Dr.John said...

Since I can't see skys like that here it was nice to see pictures of them on your blog.

Anonymous said...

My only problem with blue skies is that I always think that means it's warmer than it really is. It's been a rude reality to confront of late.

Unknown said...

I bet that was a welcoming sight for you! Great photos.

SaraG said...

Beautiful photo's!!
Take care and Happy SWF

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: I wish I had your optimism but February can be so dark and dreary. May you continue to have great skies.

Jim said...

Very pretty skies, Carletta. I knew WV had those! Mine aren't from Texas this time, they are from Florida.
Happy SkyWatching, it's been a while.

Pietro Brosio said...

These are poetic pictures, Carletta. Very nice!

Ingrid said...

and I see still grey and it rains !

Anonymous said...

The leafless branches add a lot to this! Glad that your sky is blue! :D Happy weeend!

Arija said...

What adorablely gentle skies with the budding trees in anticipation of spring.

Anonymous said...

Pretty blues in both. LOVE the shape of the branches in the second one scooping the sky!

Tom said...

Excellent tree capture.... with or without leaves their beauty is there for all to see.


Thanks for your nice comments... they ment a great deal.. :O)

PJ said...

I love the brightening skies and your happy mood that buoys me up as well. Wonderful. Happy SWF!

George said...

How wonderful to see blue skies again. We have clear blue skies (and warm temperatures for a change) here today.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's finally shaped up around here too in SE Missouri

Rose said...

We have had some blue skies, too, the past few days! I am behind in everything. Just now getting a post ready. But was here so thought I would comment and finish getting it ready.

judi/Gmj said...

Siling at your blue skies, we are going back in to the rain again. flip, flop, flip, flop. Drip, drop, drip, drop.

Anonymous said...

So that's where they went! I should have known you took them! Bring them back now!