Saturday, January 24, 2009

Camera Critters: Heidi's Visitor

This is Heidi. When she isn't hiding she likes to sit in the bay window of the dining room.
Hmmm....wonder what she sees out there?
Looks like Heidi and Thumper are having a staring contest.
Do you think Thumper looks like she's pleading for Heidi not to come outside?
Later I saw her coming down the walnut tree.
When she got close enough to the ground she jumped!

For more Camera Critter participants please click the badge at the top of my post. You never know what you'll see.


Anonymous said...

An adorable set of photos. Nice closeups!
We named the squirrel pair that visits our deck.
And when they were young, our kids named the deer, lizards, frogs, turtles, etc that visited our backyard.

Pietro Brosio said...

Fantastic sequence, Carletta!
Well done and so funny!

Anonymous said...

I love your jumping Squirrel pic! And Heidi has such a precious face! Do you know who won the staring contest?

judi/Gmj said...

That last pic is fantastic! That is so hard to do, capture action. I like the others too.

Janet, said...

Beautiful pictures. I love the squirrel staring back at the cat. We don't see many squirrels where I live, mainly rabbits.

Rhea said...

Very cool photos! Heidi is beautiful. I love the photo of the cat watching the squirrel especially.

Melli said...

Oh what great shots! Especially the last two! But I liked the variation in the point of focus too with Heidi looking out - and then to what she sees! Very nice!

George said...

Heidi is a beautiful cat, Thanks for a beautiful sequence of camera critters.

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

LOL ... 'come to my window' LOL oh my, those are such adorable photos!

Maybe they're having a secret love affair ... thru the window?!?

Carolina said...

Great storytelling! Lovely photos.

Janice Thomson said...

Delightful photos Carletta - love these.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this series so much!!! From the big eyed cat to a a very fat squirrel! lol. Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Great photos.

I really like the photo of the squirrel and cat watching each other ...pretty cool !!:-)

Groomer Angie said...

She has such pretty eyes! Bet she can see alot more than that squirrel from that window!

Pappy said...

My old cat had a taste for squirrels. Seems like yours may be thinking about a meal too. Pappy

Anonymous said...

There's a children's story here somewhere! Great eyes Heidi has!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: Very neat captures of your cat and squirrel. I always thought Thumper was a rabbit.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Hehe I'm glad the squirrel made it away safely. Gorgeous cat!

Barb said...

Wonderful pictures!

My dog stares out the window all the time. But she barks at almost everything... plastic bags, leaves.. if we had more squirrels, she'd probably bark at them. LOL!!!!

Tink *~*~* said...

Hi Carletta. What a sweet, sweet face on that kitty! Reminds me of my childhood cat. Me, I've got cows today.

Southwest Florida Rent-A-Cows at My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Tink *~*~*

Bruce said...

Heidi, next time you see that little squirrel, you call me & we can chase it together!

Mamapippa ... said...

Heidi and the squirrel are really friends ...

Dianne said...

Heidi has such a small sweet face with amazing eyes!!

My Siren ducks under the window sill when he sees squirrels and then he peeks up and makes odd clucking sounds at them

it's very funny

EG CameraGirl said...

Heidi is BEAUTIFUL! Love your photo story of Thumper. ;-)

Reader Wil said...

Thank you for this lovely story of those two animals.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Adorable pictures, Carletta!

Rose said...

Your Heidi is pretty!

One of my cats is bad to come watch out the window here for Mama Squirrel or birds, and if they are out here she goes running to the door if she hears someone come in or out.

Rose said...

I mean to tell you that here sometimes we will see a flock of turkeys in one spot forever, then suddenly they are not there any more. I guess they move on to new territory.

JunieRose2005 said...


What very cute photos you got this time! :)

I'm glad I didn't miss these!


Grammy said...

I love the photos the squirrel drive my cat nuts too.

Barbara said...

Great kitty story and pictures to go with it. Hope your weekends going good. Smile B

George Townboy said...

So cool!! I had a cat (Amy) that looked just like Heidi, and a squirrel that looked just like Thumper. (Not the one I cooked when I tried my Seventeen Squirrels In A Pot recipe!)

AppleDebbie said...

What a cute series of photos! My kitty loves watching the squirrels through our living room window too. Heidi is adorable!

Jane Hards Photography said...

So many to choose from. Has to be the squirrel running down the tree.

Norm said...

wonderful series of photos, very interesting. Check out my lizard here and thanks for the visit.

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Wonderful series of photos! I especially love the one of the "stare-down." So funny!

Dr.John said...

I loved the pictures. You take great animal pictures.

Willard said...

A good series. It is interesting to captures pets' reactions to wild animals.

Unknown said...

these are really good!

Anonymous said...

I love this set of photos! Excellent!

Heidi is so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos. Thanks for sharing.

Leedra said...

Like the cat and squirrel staring at each other.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards

me ann my camera said...

GREAT pics of the cat inside and the squirrel outside in the same frame! Happy Camera Critters!

b13 said...

Great series! I love the rack focus between the pictures!

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I love your Camera Critters! I love kitties and squirrels too. It looks like Heidi is quite entertained by the little guys!

Please check out my Camera Critters:

I have squirrels for mine too!

juliana said...

wonderfully captured!

Anonymous said...

What a cute post. :-)

Ingrid said...

The pictures are adorable ! I love squirrels and don't even mention cats ! Heidi is so cute while watching the little squirrel, what a nice TV program, lol !

Kerri Farley said...

Oh, these are fantastic! LOVE how you caught the squirrel jumping off at the bottom!

storyteller said...

What a fun visitor for Heidi! Love this series of photos you've shared. Sorry to be visiting so late, but I'm doing what I can to catch up ... skipping Ruby Tuesday even. Thanks for visiting Happily Retired Gal.
Hugs and blessings,

Raven said...

What a great series. I think Thumper was probably asking Heidi if there was any chance of coming inside and warming up. Don't know if it's been as cold in your neck of the woods as here. It was 4 degrees all day Sunday and colder on Saturday. Today it was a balmy 20 degrees.

Terry said...

oh heidi!
oh i just love her carletta
and i just love your blog.
i could spend hours more here but oh i must go!
there are so many more stops i have to make but i WILL be back.
i will not be able to keep away!!
thanks for all of your pictures and stories and i am so thankful to mary t for intoducing you to us!
love terry