These vincas are the last of my Mom's potted plants for the summer. The Autumn season has left our flowerbeds and gardens void of the beautiful blooms of spring and summer. The leaves on the trees continue to turn and fall gently to the ground. Their brittle shapes crackle underneath our feet as we walk across them.
I hope you all find a little color in your world today!
To see more flowers from around the world click the badge at the top of my post.
Vinca's are such a pretty flower. A nice series of photographs. Have a great week.
Vincas really brighten the container gardens don't they? In my area the colour is mainly on the ground now as the wind has been blowing the fall leaves off of the trees.
Carletta: What a very neat shot of the Vincas. We hit 30F last night and it wiped out everything. I'm glad I have a lot of flower photos from earlier.
I'm so glad your joining My World tomorrow.
Your mother has beautiful vincas. And a wonderful photographer for a daughter.
I'm happy to know the name of these little blooms. I saw some this week. Have a wonderful week Carletta!
The vincas here were killed off by frost last night. Just a few pots up on our porch have survived.
Beautiful! We have a lot of this ones back home!Mine is up HERE. Hope to see you there! Happy Today's Flower!~
such simple flowers, but completely adorable!
You are lucky to still have flowers.
Oh I LOVE Vinca! That is one flower that survives Melli-itis MUCH better than most! And they're very pretty!
Very pretty flowers.
We are going to miss our little friends and their happy faces during the long winter month.
Lovely flowers!! I never knew that was their name :)
Carletta, your mother grows some nice flowers and you take some nice photogaphs of them.
This is a great series of photos, Carletta. The closeups are amazing! All of your Mom's vincas are beautiful but I love the lavender ones.
Lovely flowers - like their shiny leaves too. We always call them periwinkle because we only seem to get the blue ones.
Pretty shots. I love the last one. I used to grow these but haven't for several years.
Very pretty flowers. I've seen them before but never knew the names of them!!
Lovelies! I like the last one, especially. I've never seen one like it before.
Very nice! I can never remember the name of these so thanks for adding the name. Jury duty is okay. Just a little boring at times. :-)
very pretty and nicely captured. have a nice week. :)
Hello, Have a nice week ahead!!!
These are beautiful, i have a few plants as well and some yrs they do well and others they don't. But they are so delicate.
I always liked Vinca. They were always a big seller at the nursery. MB
I first met these flowers in Hawaii. Here we call them Periwinkle.
The little flowers are cute, but those leaves... the leaves look so strong and healthy.
The bottom pic was especially cool to click on it and see it much closer.
They're so delicate!
Very pretty flowers and very nicely framed, Carletta!
stunning photos of pretty flowers. Carletta, I found a new to me meme. I thought about you when I saw this.
It is a monthly, photos of views from front and back door . Depicting the changes of seasons.
Sound like fun? :D
Norks nettfoto thats me, Carletta.
I used wrong account :)
I love the last it's "put together" :)
Very beautiful flowers. Great pictures.
Hi, Carletta
Are charming and beautiful, like the three colors.
Denise & Santilli - TF Team
I always thought those are called everyday :D Thanks for the input! I like the bud photo a lot!
This is beautiful series of photos, indeed! Pretty flowers and beautiful green and shiny leaves!
they look so lovely, and the one not quite open yet is my favourite :)
Nice series of vincas. Really bright in color!
Great flowers, thanks so much for sharing.
I never know the name of flowers, but it is beautiful !
I thought Vinca's came in blue only?
They're very very pretty Carletta!
So beautiful - the first ones are my favorite color!
Thank you very much for sharing this pix. :) I love flowers... I love lilac... I love lavender.
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