Sunday, September 7, 2008

"Show Me"....Your Mailbox

Robert has started his very first photo project this week. He has titled it "Show Me." Each day he has chosen something different for us to photograph. Today we were to shoot a photo of our mailbox in a creative way.
I left home early yesterday to travel to a party for my nephew who is turning sixteen and I didn't return until after dark. When I returned last night I stopped before pulling into my driveway letting my Jeep's headlights light the mailbox in order to have enough light to take a picture.
Sure the lighting needs work; but, after driving 270 miles in a day's time I was tired and this was all the creative juices I had left!
If you would be interested in joining Robert's photo project click on his blog name below for all the details. I know he would love to have you join in the fun.


judi/Gmj said...

I like the lighting, reminds me of the headlights I often get accused of getting lost in. :D Makes me feel right at home.

Anonymous said...

I like the yellow lighting, too. It conjured up a bit of nostalgia. When I was young and still lived with my parents there'd be a similar type flash of light across the mailbox whenever we turned into our driveway after dark. That turn would also light the huge rock wall and a bit of the wood pile.

Leora said...

There is something sweet about a late at night photo, when you are exhausted and you just want to do one more creative thing before hitting the pillow.

Anndi said...

I have to say, for the second day in a row, the music that greats us is a perfect match with your post.

Yesterday was peaceful and welcoming, fitting in perfectly with the decor and the lovely time spent with a new friend.

And today? Yay Elvis!

You are on my "must visit list" now.

I too like the lighting. Like quilly, I see the mailbox is one of those familiar things that tells you home is within grasp and that relief for me has always been associated with arriving home after a long drive in the dark.

Well done!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: What a neat post and I love your music tie in today. I remember all the words to that one. It brings back fun memories of the dances of our day.

Anonymous said...

Cool photo blogging event and cool mailbox shot.


Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

What a great shot. I think it's fun that it's lit by headlights. Each entry has its own unique story, which just adds to the interest of this meme. :D

i beati said...

great bathed in light- also enjoyed entering and exiting and having a cookie or two at your place

WvU had a dismal day yesterday sk

Bazza said...

Nice shot, if I'd driven 270 miles in a day you'd have gotten my photo tomorrow!

George Townboy said...

Nice job!! You were thinking after a long day on the road!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I, too, like the lighting. Nice job. :)

Robin said...

I like the way you did the lighting - it's got a real vintage feel to it. Nice shot.

Raven said...

I like the lighting. Makes everything around it look very mysterious. It's way more creative than what I did.

Anonymous said...

I think the lighting's just it a sort of eerie look. Got a kick out of your accompanying music too!

Dr.John said...

That makes for a very interesting mailbox picture.

Tara said...

Hi Carletta

What a neat idea...yet in my town we do not have any to get the mail at the PO!

Left you an award on my blog as I so enjoy visiting here all the time!


Janice Thomson said...

I guess a professional photographer could tear it apart but I really like the lighting myself tired or not :)

Jientje said...

I'll join in later today too! Still, I like that picture Carletta!

Martin Brook said...

Nicely done---good eye to catch a normal mailbox with normal headlights....and make a great photo from it!

Hope your catchin up on the rest...after that long haul

Rose said...

I don't think anyone else has the same thought that I do; for some reason this makes me think Christmas! I really like it, and don't think I would have ever thought to do one with the headlights as the lighting.

Gattina said...

You managed to make a romantic picture out of a simple mailbox, very nice !!

Robert said...

Ohhhh, a night shot. Very creative! I'm so glad you participated. Especially after such a long drive. And thanks for recruiting others to join. :)