Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sky Watch

Above The Roof
To visit other Sky Watch participants please visit Tom at Welcome to Wiggers World.


Anonymous said...

Once upon a time there was this great and fantastic group of people who blogged and photographed … with a click, click here, a snap, snap there, all of them had a week to look upon the sky … day and night, by dusk or dawn, sunrise or sunset … and always there where great and fantastic photos to be seen when SKY WATCH was opened …

I am one of those proud sky watchers and I really enjoy each and every one of the photos you show us. I really think you are a first class sky watcher!

imac said...

Love the bear, great sw photo.

You will be amazed at my SW.

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

the blue peeking through looks very hopeful!

Gemma Wiseman said...

It is always inspiring to see the fresh blue of open spaces above rooftops!

Champ Townboy said...

Beautiful sky shot! If this was here this morning, I'm in need of glasses. I'm actually wearing them right now. I'm in need of new glasses, lol.

dot said...

Looks like a beautiful sky day!

Neal said...

Great shot.

EG CameraGirl said...

Perfect sky! I love that kind of day. ;-)

SandyCarlson said...

The sky is turning blue for you!

Anonymous said...

A little peep-hole for the angels looking over you. Lovely sky watch.

Anonymous said...

Nice sky above the roof with good weather :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is an optimistic skywatch

Rose said...

I like shots with the blue sky peeping through clouds! And I just love big puffy clouds of any kind.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the sun is trying to make its way through. Great Sky Watch photo!

Robert said...

Don't you just love patchy clouds with blue shining through? I sure do. Great shot. I'm loving this.

Raven said...

Wonderful shot... I just love clouds... and I love the light and the parting of the clouds centers at the tree.

Reader Wil said...

A wonderful sky promising beautiful weather! Have a great weekend!

Debbie said...

First, is Quint not awesome? :)

Whenever I open your blog, the colors just jump out and blow me away. Really, Carletta, have you ever taken a BAD photo? LOL

I LOVE the bee...

And your SWF reminds us there is always a break in the stormy skies of life when the sun shines through and all is better :)

Ingrid said...

I love these fluffy clouds over the house ! and your bear is really cute !

Dewdrop said...

Looks like rain in your future... that sounds hopeful to me. Great shot Carletta. Love the blue sky poking through.

Snippet said...

I really like how the house peaks just jut into the sky like that. The blue and white are absolutely beautiful.

Very nice picture!

Anonymous said...

Nice sky. Good shot.

becky aka theRAV said...

Love the composition of this, Carletta. I like the house's angles to the left & not centered. Then there is the opening of between the clouds that compliments it. Great job.

Mustang Mike said...

Isn't it just wonderful how the sky can switch from one color to another in just a matter of hours. Sometimes in minutes! Great show! Mustang Mike

Anonymous said...

The opening in the clouds gives us a good peak of the clear sky. Well done!

Have a good weekend.

Alex's World! -

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful blue sky and the clouds dancing together!