Here are the rules:
List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what
the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any
good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping
your summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with
your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what
they’re listening to.
In no particular order (except for number one) here are the seven songs I'm into at the moment with a brief reason why I like them. You don't have to notate why but I thought I'd share my thoughts.
1. Ride the River by Eric Clapton. I have been listening to this song for days. I used it on my playlist for the sternwheeler post on Monday.
2. Scotch and Chocolate by Nickel Creek. An instrumental.
3. Concerning Hobbits from the Lord of the Rings movie. Another instrumental I like for a stress free feeling.
4. No More Cloudy Days by the Eagles. "I believe in second chances, I believe in angels, too."
5. Through the Morning, Through the Night by Robert Plant and Alison Kraus
6. Killing the Blues by Robert Plant and Alison Kraus. You might know this from a recent J.C. Penny commercial. "Somebody said they saw me swinging the world by the tail, bouncing over a white cloud, killing the blues."
7. Brilliant Disguise by Bruce Springsteen. "When I look in your eyes is that you baby or just a brilliant disguise." (playing now)
I tag the following to play but I understand if you'd rather not. I promise I won't be heartbroken. I know some folks just don't like to play and that's ok! Music is a daily part of my life; but it may not be yours. Do as much or as little as you please - honest! As I went around and read comments Tuesday I see many of my favorite folks have been tagged already. If anyone else hasn't been tagged and would like to please feel free to play along with us.
Debbie of Gittin It Outta My Head
Raven of Raven's Nest
Rose of Pics and Pieces
Junie of Junie's Place
Mary/The Teach at Work of the Poet
A couple of weeks ago I was given this award by Mary and Raven.I must acknowledge the Arte Y Pico award yet one more time. This time it comes from Daniel J. Santos. If you have never visited his site I greatly urge you to follow my link and take a look around. His photography is brilliant. I know you will be very impressed with what you see. Thank you Daniel. I am overwhelmed that you would chose me and so appreciate that you felt me worthy to receive it. Please check out Daniel's blog Com Imagens With Images.
Interesting meme. I'll have to think about the answers. I tend to listen to odd esoteric things and I don't have a radio any more (sob), so I'm totally out of the loop as far as anything new. So I may do this and I may not.... I'm a Clapton fan but don't know Robert Plant and Allison Kraus. Will have to check them out.
This summer I am mostly without music. The radio won't come in here. I guess I could pull it in on my computer but the speakers are crap and I don't have external ones set up. ANYWAY, I have just began to notice the dearth. Today I turned to TV on briefly and stopped to listen to music I don't like, because it was music!
Reading your song line up just left me with a feeling akin to homesickness. I think it's time to get out OC's iPod he never uses and load it up!
A most interesting post, Carletta. The sound came on and scared me out of my shorts. I wasn't expecting it for some reason. LOL
Patty and I will be celebrating 53 years of marriage on July 12th. Think of it as a long-term relationship.
I have invited bloggers to offer suggestions on a gift for me to give Patty and the list would not be complete without your ideas.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
Now this is different!! I don't listen to music daily but I'm going to add this to my long list of tags that I've yet to accomplish! I guess I need to get off the lake mess and get busy! I'm just glad you thought of me :)
Wow, congrats on the award. I've been to his site for SWF and it is an honor to have received this Carletta!! Great job!
Great job Carletta. I knew you would be an interesting pick. Love your choices. I enjoy your daily selections. You do a great job of pairing your photos and your music. Pappy
This meme is right up my alley--I will get to it in a day or two. Don't think I am ignoring it.
New music to explore! Thank you! Wow but your blog has blossomed. Such gorgeous pictures. Your talents were sorely underused back at school. Oh, and next year I will be at Crestwood Int. It was the only opening. A new adventure for sure!
Carletta, you deserve the award the 3rd time! Definitely! And yes I'll play the meme. I'll let you know when it's up! Thanks for tagging me... :)
WOW! I'm totally amazed because I am a music freak and listen to ALL genre's and I am only familiar with TWO of your songs! This is a first! Every time I come across a music meme I know everybody's stuff! I'm going to have to check out some of this! *nods*
My post of 7 songs is up! :)
Carletta: Your music is divergent where mine is truly convergent on the country scene. It shows how people have differing musical taste.
Congrats on the award, you deserve it. I always enjoy Daniel's blog when I visit.
Carletta, go here: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=83525036
It should be a link to Jay Clark's my space page...listen to the song
"These Hills." I always think of you when I listen to it. He has another song, not here, called West Virginia Smiles which is why I connect him to you.
a tag and an awars seems like a fair deal :)
there is no need to thank.
I do thank you for your visits and your opinions about my photos.
And is an award well deserved.
from Portugal,
Carletta, my songs are up--thanks for giving me a reason to share music I love!
(And if I ever forget and call you Carla without correcting it...forgive me. A good friend I used to work with was named Carla and I am always starting to type Carla when I type, but if I am telling Roger about something on your blog I always call you Carletta.)
Giggle... Clapton, Kraus, the Eagles AND Springsteen? You've been in my CD files? I have all of these! Giggle some more as my toes tap.
Thanks for playing that Springsteen song, I love it!
Most deserved the award.
Bruce, Robert Plant, Eagles, Eric Clapton? Great choices!
Love Debbie's Gittin it Out of My Head! She writes so very well.
Love Debbie's Gittin it Out of My Head! She writes so very well.
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