The View From My Window
This is the view from my sunroom window where I sit and gaze out at my little corner of the world. The birds, squirrels, and deer roam about outside and tease my camera lens. Today I have captured the hot sulty day with skies of light blue. In the distance a thunderstorm waits.I Was Tagged
A little over a week ago Debbie of Gittin It Outta My Head tagged me with a meme asking me to post seven weird or random facts about myself. Trust me, I'm not sure you all want to know the weird things about me. I'll try to keep things somewhat normal for you. Here goes:
1. I have natural red hair - strawberry blond to be exact. Did you know that only 4% of the population has natural red hair? That breaks down to only 2% here in the United States. Cool!
2. I'm a Pepsi person as far as cola goes. However, I don't like to drink it straight. Wait now, I only meant that I like it over a tall glass of ice! Want to know the weird part? When I was pregnant with my two children I couldn't stand to drink it or any cola. In college I used to drink it for breakfast. Sometimes I still do.
3. I would much rather spend time on a deserted beach than a crowded one. I love to look for shells and walk just out of reach of the breaking waves.
4. Years ago on a trip to Hawaii I met Don Ho and got his autograph. I remember he had very expressive eyes and was very gracious.
5. I was the first of many generations on either side of my family to go to college. I really wanted to go and be a teacher. I had applied and was accepted but didn't know how I could afford to pay for it. My Mom looked at me and said "if you want to go we'll find a way; I don't know how, but we'll find a way." They did. Thanks Mom and Dad.
6. I have twice climbed the Diamond Head volcano on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. I could never do it again but it was a glorious view to behold from up on top.
7. When I was in high school I used to ride a Honda 350 motorcycle. My classmates couldn't believe I could ride one. I guess girls weren't supposed to be wild and free back then. Boy was it a lot of fun!
Wild and free that I am - ha,ha - I'm going to break the rules and not tag anyone. If you feel you'd like to share some weird and random facts about yourself please do and let me know so I can check it out.
There you have it. It's just a little part of me. Hope you weren't too bored and I hope I haven't scared any of you away. :)
Hope the view from your window today is a pleasant one.
That was fun. My father was a strawberry blond though I think when he was younger his hair was a darker red. He kept his hair color until he died at 80 only going a bit gray/white at the temples. I'm hoping to follow his example.
Cool about your climbing in Hawaii. I always wanted to go there. Next life, I guess.
Forgot to say that your view looks wonderful and peaceful.
I was born with platinum blond hair. By the time I was a teen it was strawberry blond. Now what isn't gray is very dark, but I am pretty lucky because my gray is cming in platinum blond!
Great photo as usual.
That was fun -- thanks for sharing! And you have a great view from your window -- very green!
I do like your view, and enjoyed the facts.
Nice view you have there!Thanks for stopping by my place. Hope you are having a great weekend!
Neat! I didn't know red heads were that rare. I'll have to tell my red headed nephew.
Congratulations on the award - a worthy recipient. Thanks for sharing those little known facts about yourself. I enjoy my visits to your site. Pappy
is preferring deserted beaches to the crowded ones weird? cos i'm right with you on this one.
Such a lovely view Carletta. No wonder you are always so cheery :)
Fabulous view! I am SOOOOO into deserted beaches...or deserted anythings...i do not like crowds.
I'm a strawberry blond too!
Great to learn some more about you!
Wonderful view from your window...
Interesting post, excellent tag.
Wild and free is red hair.... ha! and a motorbike... What a great insight Carletta,
BTW I had a Honda CB 350 in the 1970's
CB 350
You rode a motorcycle? Now this was a surprise...I didn't expect to hear about this wild side of you LOL LOL!! And I'm with you on the Pepsi and the beach...I can walk forever and people do get in the way!!
Thank you for doing this hon, and I wish I'd had had you as one of my teachers. I bet kids love you still to this day :)
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