Friday I was sitting at my computer in the sunroom and out of the corner of my eye I spied my little visitor on the deck walking slowly to the other side and down the steps.
I grabbed the camera in hopes the squirrel would retrace the steps it had just taken. Sure enough in a matter of minutes across the deck and up the railings it went. I stood at the glass doors (why the images aren't crisp) and took these photos. She let me click away and seemed very trusting. I have waited months for this to happen. It is the first half decent shot I've been able to get.
In this photo she is moving her leg a mile a minute scratching herself. We had to laugh because she reminded us of Thumper. It seemed only fitting that's what her name should be. Yes, I know Thumper was a boy; but who's going to know!
I'd trust you too, if I were a squirrel! Heck, I'd trust you no matter what I was. LOL
Great post and cute pictures!
Sweet! I wish we didn't have neighbors quite so close. Here, there are too many of us for the animals to be anything but skittish.
Lovely photos.
wahaha!!!!! Loved that you chose SECRET SQUIRREL for the music!!! Great photos too.
I LOVE Thumper! This is SO cool!!! Love the photos, but, even more, I love the story.
Carletta: Love the music and great pictures of your friendly gray squirrel.
Squirrels are so easily won over with peanuts! But, they are smart enough to get us to give them the peanuts in the first place. Now that you have named her it's only a matter of time until you are trained to feed her too! lol
My Camera Critter is here
Very cute pics of the squirrel. I wish I had the patience but sadly I know I don't.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.
Greetings to You in West by golly Virginia. It was a long time ago that we've lived in Charleston, but remember it as pretty country.
Cute photos of a cute critter. We almost chase them out of their environment, nice to see that they do come and visit.
Wow... what wonderful photos! Congratulations on making friends with Thumper. I think that's a perfect name for her, though you could always adapt it into Thumpetta if you're worried about gender... The song is very funny and perfect for the photos.
Awww... cute friendly visitor.
Oh he made a real show in fron of your camera this lovely squirrel! Very nice shots!
Have a wonderful Sunday! Ciao ciao! :-)
Lucky you having such a close encounter, my local sqirrels are far too skittish.
Well caught.
Just love a cute squirrel
What a cutie! Great post!
AWWWwwwww.... now that is one super duper friendly little squirrel!! Cute.
What a great group of shots - so nice of him to pose for you!
When those cute little critters bite down on the web between your thumb and forefinger while you are trying to train them, you can usually dislodge them by jumping up and down while flinging the arm to which they are attached wildly in several different directional patterns. :)
what a cute visitor!
seems you'll be friends in no time :)
Thumper is very cute! Hope he continues to visit and brighten your day and ours with pictures like these.
I love the view from your window in the photo below!
Critters are just like men; the way to our hearts is through our stomachs.
You can breakdown the natural fear by feeding and not making quick movements when they are around. Great subject for CC
Oh Carletta what a thrill that must have been - squirrels are such adorable little creatures. Wonderful shots!
Just love squirrels. When I went to Penn State, they'd climb right up on your lap to get a treat.
Well done Carletta, now just put 2 or 3 nuts out there and sit back and watch... Thumper might just turn up and carry them off but then she will settle down and put on a show of how she holds and turns the nut while chewing away... I am so plased for you.
My Hasle seems to havemoved away... she is now with the one surviving youngster further up the street... seems food is tasty up there and maybe the cats not so many. I'm sure she will be back round when times get hard.
excellent shots .. my sister is already ready for WVU football0 met 2 sets of WVU s here this weekend moving here. sk
Squirrels are sometimes thought of as pests, after all, they eat the bird's food. I think they are marvelous creatures with a wonderful sense of humor. They play games with my dog. It's fun to watch.
Wow, I'm beginning to think there is no such thing as an "untame" squirrel anymore... the squirrels near me come right up to you and will even stare (or chase) you down for a cookie! Nice capture with this one!
Okay, I'm behind in reading...I'm so sorry!! I like Thumper and can you really get them to eat out of your hand? If anyone can...it's you! Such a kind nature you have...
I'd say it was worth the wait! Well done!
Cheers, Klaus
WINGING IT, at Practically at Home
What a little QT ‘Thumper’ is … and how fun to have such an inquisitive little visitor. Thanks for sharing this delightful series of photos and for visiting my Saturday CC post at Small Reflections. I did a 2nd CC this weekend (featuring a Golden Doodle who visits occasionally) to catch up for missing a week previously.
Hugs and blessings,
I'm envious! Since I started letting my kitties outside I rarely see my Mama Squirrel and she didn't bring her babies over to meet us either...though I think that was because we cut down her tree. All I can say is enjoy her...mine would come and look right in my kitchen door looking for me.
These shots are just too cute. I'm being brief tonight cause I'm trying to catch up. I appreciate your kind words on my recent wedding pictures. Thanks so much. :)
Love all the photos but i like that last one as he looks like he is praying
Oh my gosh, he is so cute! You are so lucky to have her as a friend. :-)
Thumper is cool... 8v) I rarely see squirrels around here, but have always enjoyed watching them when they are around.
My daughter said:
It's like she's praying !!!
Wonderful friend this one. Congratulations.
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