Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I've Been Given A Blogging Award

Fishing Guy over at This Is My Blog has given me a You Make My Day Award here in blogging country! In giving me the award Fishing Guy had this to say about me, "She always puts a smile on my face with her pictures and music." Ok, I think I can handle that! These edgy, bold, unique and humorous adjectives below were making me squirm a little. If all it takes is a smile and a little music then I'm there! So thank you Fishing Guy for thinking me worthy and I hope to live up to making you and all of my readers smile at least a little each and every day!

Here are the “rules” of the award:

1) Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day
2) Acknowledge the post of the award giver
3) Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news!

I am passing this award along to:

1. Melli at Insanity Prevails: I just recently met Melli through the ABC Photo Challenge we both participated in. She is a hoot! I swear (not really Melli) she looks at life through rose colored glasses and sees the joy around her everyday despite what's happening in her life. If you like to laugh this is the place to go.
2. Junie at Junie's Place: I love to visit Junie at her place. She loves flowers and her photos of them are marvelous and she writes poetry and loves family. I never know exactly what I'll find at her place; but it will be fun.
3. Judi at Glovzoff: How can you not like someone who likes Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell, and Jimmy Buffett! In her profile Judy says she likes laughing at herself and life. She has a wonderful sense of humor that makes me smile or laugh each time I visit her. She got a new camera and she takes all sorts of photos from men in the woods to arranging fruit to look like Carmen Miranda's hat! See what I mean....fun!!!

My last two are photo blogs. These two guys post a photo or more a day - each amazing in their own way.
4. b13 at b13fotographica: This was one of the first blogs I ran across when I first starting blogging. It amazed me that someone was striving to post a photo a day. That's a lot of photos. I'm amazed at how he sometimes photographs the most simple of everyday things and yet it's art when he's finished. I know he probably won't take this and pass it along and that's ok because he is one of my favorites and I can't leave him out. And hey, I'm the one passing this out so it's ok if he breaks the rules. I almost forgot - he has the most adoring Border Collies!
5. George Townboy at Kissimmee Comic Book Style: When you visit here you will completely understand why it is comic book style. George puts his special sauce on the photos he takes. Sometimes he uses little bubbles showing us what the people in the photos are thinking - humorous little bubbles! George takes us on a virtual vacation around Kissimmee and shows us the sights around town. And George, you can break the rules too - I just couldn't leave you off of my favorites - no way!!

There are so many other blogs that I read and love each day that choosing just five was hard! Tom, I know Fishing Guy gave it to you but I could have just as easily because you are one of my very favorites. Then there's Anna, Debbie, Dot, Jeremiah, Rick, Rose, Rue, Quint.....so many blogs, so little time!


b13 said...

Thank you for the kind words and I love the award. I will gladly pass it along. And thanks for bringing a smile to my face today :)

timtim said...

Catching up with you. Congrats on completing the alphabet - no small feat! Photos great as always. Especially like that one of the eggs!

George Townboy said...

YOU MAKE MY DAY !!! Thank you so much!! I will honor and cherish this award for the rest of my days - I may even frame it and hang in on the wall next to my computer. You are the special one, you know!

Debbie said...

Congratulations! You're definitely on my Top 5 List :)

You are most deserving of this award hon!!

Melli said...

Awwwwww Carletta! I sO appreciate you thinking of ME and speaking so kindly of my blog! You HAVE made my day!!!

MaR said...

Congratulations on your award!
I've known Melli for a while and I must say this was a fine choice to pass on the award!!

JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, Carletta,for the award.

And you know I enjoy your blog very much, too! HA! I'm always here- right?


judi/Gmj said...

:) I'm very honored to accept this award on behalf of... Oh, there I go again, on the wrong page. Thanks for thinking I am fun. I love to make others smile. I think framing this by the computier is a great Idea. You must have a site counter so you know how often I stop by to see if you have posted.
Your posts are very thought provoking... and you can spell!!