The really happy face belongs to my lovely daughter Cindy. If you are a regular reader you know that I was away for a few days visiting and you might have guessed that the little wide-eyed wonder is my precious little granddaughter Ms. Lily. See how focused she is on Grammy's camera!
Baby Lily is just over four months old and getting ready to cut teeth so she loves something to chew on. She has grown so much since I last saw her in March. Sweet chubby cheeks - don't you just want to squeeze -em! I overheard her mommy teasing her about her chubby little thighs. Her Mommy affectionately tells her she needs a thighmaster!
I wanted to share my lovely girls with you. I had a wonderful visit this past week; but I miss them very much already. Look at those faces ~ how could I not!!!
I hope all of you have a wonderful day. Put on a big smile and as Bobby McFerrin sings - "Don't Worry - Be HAPPY!"
To check out more Alphabet Photos check out the sidebar over at Quilly's Pacific Paradise.
Does Lily have a little round tummy to blow raspberries on? If so, someone else can pinch her cute little cheeks. I always go for the tickle. There is nothing better in the whole world then baby laughter.
What a lovely, happy post and wonderful picture!!
My H is here, happy tHursday :)
What a sweetie, your granddaughter !
What a great capture, bonny baby, beautiful proud mum.. and 'Grammy' behing the camera.... and the music fits the picture to perfection..
She sure does have the hair! She is a beautiful baby. Mom sure looks like a proud mom, as she should!
Nothing like a baby giggle to start my day! Arn't grandkids wonderful?
This is really precious!! Two beautiful girls captured by a beautiful Mama!!
The girl with the really happy face looks more like your twin than your daughter!!
Such pretty smiling faces!
Carletta: What a great photo of the two. I'm sure you had a grand time.
I've added more to the What Is It.
Oh my gosh! Your girls are beautiful! Mommy's smile! WOW! And Lily... WOW! Those dark dark eyes and hair! How do you get such dark eyes and hair on such fair little skin? Amazing! I could kiss those cheeks for suuuuuuuure!
Very pretty girls, Carletta
And happy faces they are! I must admit, I sure like the name Lily! Of course I'm a bit biased on that matter.
oh, this is sweet!
Your daughter looks just like you! Oh, little babies just make me sit here and grin and want to cuddle! She is adorable :) How often do you get to visit? Monthly? I hope at least that :)
I could have done "H" today since I posted a rabbit, uh, hare LOL
Two beautiful girls. And the baby with her chowder cheeks. MB
Now ain't you're granddaughter a cutie?
Lovely and happy family.
Thank's for sharing.
What a great post for H! I hope you're taking some three generation photos of your lovely trio.
Beautiful photo of your pretty girls!
And still a different H. This is a fun blog experience.
Your granddaughter is a cutie! They're so fun to play with at that age, aren't they? No grandbabies yet for the Craver clan. We will be content anyway and trust God for his timing.
What a handsome family you have - must be a chip off the old block so to speak :) Lovely photo for the H theme!
Hi Carletta, You have every reason to be happy and smile with them..Your daughter , Cindy and granddaughter, Lily, are both cute and pretty.. My granddaughter Olivia is 3 months old and I have her posted on my blog..Her middle sister is Lily..thanks for your visit to my place today..
What beautiful girls, both of them!! I bet you had such a good time. Welcome home!
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