My first post today is for the Camera Critters Sunday meme.
It was started by Misty Dawn of Misty's Musings. It is all about photos of animals/critters...pets, wild animals, farm animals, insects, birds, - you get the idea.
I'm always taking pictures of the wildlife in my yard so I knew this would be a good way to showcase those photos.
This week I am posting some photos of some ducks and a goose. I didn't find them in my yard; but at the local mall. That's right - at the mall. On this rainy day we had gone to pick up a tiller from the Sears store and as we were leaving the parking lot I spied two mallard ducks under a tree by the wall of the mall. I jumped out and approached them as quietly as I could. The captions under the pictures will tell you, as Paul Harvey would say, ....the rest of the story.
(Be sure to continue scrolling down for today's Project Looking Through Post.)

Project Looking Through:
Through the Frame - Take Four

Pretty in Pink
This bush seemed to come out in blooms almost overnight. Since the blossoms were pink I searched around the house and found a pink frame to use as my prop this time. I wanted to stay with the same concept as my previous posts. I really like the reflection the sun is casting on the back of the frame. I experimented with an angle shot on this one; but I'm not sure I like it yet. I might need to work on that a little; but the more I look at it the more it's starting to grow on me!
For more Project Looking Through participants please visit Mark at his Regular Life blog.
Awesome post!! Beautiful photos ... you have all the projects and themes going at the same time!! LOL
Lucky ducks! I couldn't find a redhead with a camera!
I guess ducks need to shop too. They're really pretty.
Such pretty ducks. Lucky you , they posed for you. :)
Wow I love these sandy
cute ducks...
Will you visit mine Thanks
nice post
Mine in here Thanks
Okay..overwhelmed here LOL. I can't keep up! The Camera Critters is wide open for possibilites and right up your alley!
The ducks are gorgeous..must be city critters to pose!
Amazing you had such a pretty pink frame just laying around to highlight a beautiful PLT!
How nice of them to pose for you - nice layout.
This is a very pretty and creative PLT! I just love it!
Ducks at a mall- well that's a good one LOL. Neat photos Carletta.
I agree with you that the shadows make the Looking Through photo exceptionally lovely - what kind of bush is this? Wonderfully creative idea for this.
I love that goose picture! You really got a winner there.
LOVE THE SONG So perfect, great pictures. We raise ducks adn geese here and they are so much fun to watch...
I notice you’re a retired teacher too. I got into blogging after attending a Writer’s Retreat in Taos, NM last August. It’s pretty nifty actually. I enjoyed your duck photos and was surprised by the goose ;--)
I’m playing for the first time today also and introducing Molly at Small Reflections. My other blog is Sacred Ruminations and you might enjoy the post I left there yesterday.
Hugs and blessings,
I was coming over from my feed reader to comment that I love the pictures, and then had to laugh because the song started playing.
Very awesome. :)
These are really awesome photo! You have some beautiful birds around you. Great post!
Caletta: Cute post, the music fits as usual with some nice captures. Have a nice day.
A tale well told.
I like how you have a theme song to go with your duck photos! haha How wild you have these at your mall.
I did camera critters today too!
Great pictures and your "pretty in pink" is really special!
lovely collection of ducks and geese.
Ducks at the mall! Fun!
wow! that's so cool! that you just run into them in an urban area. Fantastic photos, Carletta!
Very creative PLT image!
These are great! Lots of green to frame your ducks and geese. And then of course a great frame for your PLT.
Splendid collection, lovingly and... cute creatures!
Pretty in any colour I'm sure.. another great 'Through' picture
I love Mallard Ducks and Canada Geese. Great shots of them.
I also looked at your Through The Frame photos and am very impressed. Now I want to take some pics that way, lol. I'm going to check out the site you linked to and see more about the meme.
Whoof!!! Beautiful piktures of those big birdies. Bark.
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