I was sitting where I could see out the window and when I glanced over my husband’s shoulder I saw little Mac sunning himself there beside a pole. When we finished eating I got my camera from the car and snapped a quick shot of him before he disappeared.
Groundhogs always remind me of the dancing gopher in the old 1980 movie Caddyshack. I guess because they are the nearest thing I know to a gopher. That dancing gopher was one of the best parts of the movie. On this day, Little Mac's alert pose reminded me of Meerkat Manor on the TV show Animal Planet. At that moment though without benefit of TV or theatre, it was pretty cool to be sitting in McDonald’s watching my own real life wildlife show.
Ah, yes, animals coming out of hibernation – just another reminder that Spring is on it’s way!
I also liked the Caddyshack ground hog. Whatever happened to Meerkat Manor? We loved it. So sad when Flower died. All of a sudden it disappeared. I hope they bring it back.
What a poser - and I like the fact that you snapped him as well!
Yes, you;re right with your guess on my post - the speed limit sign has to come down!!
It is surprising what is about in areas you think might not hold much hope for a wildlife sighting. My small back garden can throw up a surprise now and then. Our local busy bus station as a regular visitor later in the evening. I big male Red Fox as a scout around for any food scraps. Last year I was out very early and going over a footbridge I use many times.. I looked down and same a family of Stoats on the move...
I enjoyed looking at your picture and reading your words again..
Carletta: I was surprised as much snow as we still have left that 2 raccoons ran through the neighbor hood this morning. Very nice post.
I have always wondered - what exactly is Groundhog day?
Thank you for a nice comment!
I love the way you match your music to your posts!
Very nice photo and post.
I linked your blog in BOA LEITURA:
Awww.... How cute is he??
Thanks for the welcome;) French
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