Sunday, April 7, 2013

Macro Monday: Yellow Tulips

My Mom and Stepdad came for Easter dinner and brought a bouquet of tulips. I have taken lots of pics of them this week. The above one shows them on my dining room table bathed in sunlight from the bay window.
I've waited patiently for them to open but it never happened. The above image is of the waning petals and shows where the stem and petal merged together during the growing process.
I noticed the petals were dropping and took some macro shots of the pistil and stamens before throwing them away.
When I started moving the tulips the petals completely fell off and the pistil and stamens were all that was left.
Linking to Macro Monday and Today's Flowers.


  1. so so so pretty! =)

  2. Excellent macros! I think yellow tulips are my favourite, they are just so sunny!

  3. Beautiful images. My yellow tulips did not open as well - perhaps that is the thing for yellow tulips. They are stunning none-the-less.

  4. still beautiful in any stage. if we could be so lucky, ourselves. :)

  5. oh, and you WILL get a great blue heron photo! :)

  6. Sad that cut flowers are nice for a short while and then fade away. Nice post on the fading away of a flower.

  7. Beautiful, especially the first one!

  8. Tulips are by far my favorite flower.

  9. Those are gorgeous. Spring may finally be here.

  10. Hi Carletta, these are gorgeous! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog and for naming the purple flowers I photographed.

  11. Beautiful flower studies--and that glorious yellow is hard to beat.

  12. How springy! I love the shots especially the first.

  13. Yellow tulips are so pretty- especially bathed in sunlight. Great shots!

  14. It's so sad when something so beautiful has to die.

  15. Beautiful photos - they're all about sex aren't they - flaunting their stuff like nobody's business lol.
    Your macros are always so special.

  16. They're beautiful though in all their stages -- and it's hard to find tulips here in Florida anywhere (even at the florists).

  17. gorgeous macro shots! the 3rd photo is my favorite.

  18. Carletta...You really did one fine job with these macro shots. They are stunning in their detail and colorful beauty. JOB WELL DONE!!! genie In Richmond for Buddy to run another race

  19. I love this sequence of shots of the yellow tulips.

  20. Jag älskar också tulpaner de är så vackra i sitt förfall också.If you have a translate you can read my komment and i can read your Blogg.
    ha en fin helg.
    Kram Meta

  21. I love your tulips!!! I scrolled through several times, but I could not decide whether my favourite was the first image, or the last...

  22. Such golden joy to have on your table. Even in death they are still beautiful.

  23. so beautiful! All the stages... I have been photographing cut tulips in a similar way this past week, though they are not yet posted.

  24. Lovely Carletta! Thank you my friend :)

  25. As tulipas são lindas, e as fotos perfeitas! Parabéns!
