Sunday, March 10, 2013

Macro Monday and Today's Fowers

This past Friday Hubby had to stop by Home Depot for a few supplies and he came out with these lovely flowers for me. He even mentioned I could take pictures before the blooms dropped. That man knows me pretty well!
Linking to Macro Monday and Today's Flowers.


Lea said...

Lea's Menagerie

TexWisGirl said...

really pretty! and very sweet of him!

Karen said...

Lovely carletta, you have a sweet hubby. Have a nice week.

Leave It To Davis said...

Oh, I love those!!! Tell me what kind they are....please!

Nancy said...

Gorgeous with the light shining on them....

Kerri Farley said...


Karen said...

Oh what a pretty colour! A little touch of spring indoors.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

So pretty. Nice to see flowers for a change.

Jama said...

Lovely! I like the colour.

Kateri said...

Lovely irises!

diane b said...

Hoe lucky are you? My man doesn't like spending money on something that dies. Go figure!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So pretty, love those purple spots! What a sweet guy! xx

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh Carletta, those are just beautiful..what a nice man your hubby is!

kayerj said...

How pretty--are they iris? Your hubby is sweet.

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful guy! They're lovely.

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful spring greeting ! Here in Belgium it snows again !

Unknown said...

Lovely irises!

George said...

Hubby is a keeper (but you knew that)! I love the color of theseb blossoms.

Nicki said...

Isn't it wonderful when they are on the same page as you! These are quite lovely.

Carletta said...

For inquiring minds - these are irises.

Jannibele said...

Your purple irises are so pretty:) Have a nice weekend.

Meta said...

vackra irisar jag bara älskar dom.
ha en fin helg
Kram Meta

Indrani said...

That is a wonderful gift!
Generally i have seen husbands of bloggers mould well.:)

A Colorful World said...

Wow! Carletta, these are just so springtime gorgeous!

Rose said...

They are beautiful!

Pat said...

Beautiful. I did see these at our HD but I got nice pansies. The squirrels did a job on the ones we put in last fall.

Self Sagacity said...

sure is eye pleasing to see these flowers.

Míriam Luiza said...

Muito lindo! Amei a cor!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Carletta, I am getting happy for Springtime seeing this lovely collage. Due to a short trip away and trying to catch up now I am home, I am a bit late commenting this week. However, I didn't want to miss out on letting you know how grateful I am that you shared these beautiful flowers with Today's Flowers. Thank you so much!