I could most likely get away with telling you this was my attempt trying to do a camera technique called
'light painting'. It is something I have been wanting to experiment with. However, this is purely a couple of happy mistakes I made trying to take photos of the Christmas lights on my front porch.

I like both the abstract effect and the colors.
Very happy mistakes!
For more Midweek Blues visit Rebecca
Sometimes our 'mistakes' give us beautiful pictures. This is one of those times.
they're gorgeous mistakes.:p i got them, too.
My Midweek Blues
How ever you did it I love it! It;s looks so creative!
What a wonderful accident! So cool.
Beautiful, Carletta... You did a great job with your Light Painting.
I like when experiments turn out completely different than I had planned, but yet still turn out! These are nice!
Very cool! Thanks for the link too - that looks like a fun thing to try.
that is so cool.
thats really neat and a great idea. the colors are vivid.
I agree, they are very happy mistakes!
I have never heard of this "LIght painting" but I sure have taken and deleted lots of these types of photos. I will have to start saving them to see if I have captured anything that comes close to you lovely shots.
Thanks for visiting my red rocker this week.
Light painting is so much fun and the results so cool! Glad you tried it.
Love those happy mistakes! Cool.
Love the bright colors! I had a similar result as in your 2nd pic when once I was trying to photograph something at night from a moving car! Those happy accidents are even better than when we know what we're doing:)
Yeah, you should have told us you spent hours getting those pictures. :)
I had a similar "mistake" while out camping. used it to relay a story of our campground being haunted.
Joy is where you find it.
Loving the music on your site.
I got some pictures like that when I took Christmas light pictures, but none of my mistakes turn out as beautifully as yours. Well, none of my other photos do either, so I guess that's no surprise ;>)... These are great!
They sure are unique, and I love the last one.
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