(click to enlarge for best view)
This barn sits right beside the road. The top of the gate you see in the foreground is almost at the shoulder of the road. I took this from the passenger's side window. Hubby stopped in the middle of the road and I took a couple of shots. It wasn't until we were driving away that both of us almost instantly laughed and looked at each other. We knew we had been looking at cows but didn't realize the little billy goat was lying on top of the hay. I was just so glad I had gotten him in the picture. I love the star cut into the peak of the barn. If you look closely you'll also see the side of the barn to your right is red.
For more Barn Charm join Tricia
I am so glad you confirmed that is a goat on the hay...I couldn't believe my eyes when I enlarged it.
This is a really nice barn! And even with enlarging it I didn't notice the side was red...had to enlarge it again to see for myself.
This is a neat picture of the two-toned barn -- billy goat and all.
Great barn picture, Carletta... Funny about that little billy goat!!!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Nice barn. I like the star cutout. It's unique. And I think little Billy is trying to stay warm. :)
Nice barn! Fun to be on country roads where you can stop in the middle of the road. Goats really do like to climb don't they?
I like the double entrances on this barn....that and its unusual color. Nice picture.
This is a sturdy looking barn. It's different from any I have seen her, or remember seeing here because of the t wide door ways on the sides and a smaller one towards the centre.
popped by to say hello and pleased I did as that is a cute photo, and I guess the Billy Goat was trying to stay warm by being there?
Gill in Canada
Very nice Carletta! As you know I love barns and you've captured this magnificently.
Nice shot! And even better enlarged. You took so much in this composition! Love that star on the peak.
LoL! I didn't see the goat either until I read your entry... he's incognito! heheheee
You must live in a very hilly region... I love the barn shots you've entered, they're all set atop these big hills!
PS I L♥VE your Christmas tree bokeh pic several posts down entitled 'Midweek Blues' That shot is AWESOME!!! =)
OH PPS I forgot to say that I love the barn, too! Great shot!!! =)
Same here I had to enlarged the photo to see what's going on ^_^. It make me smile such beautiful shot. Thanks for sharing and the visit!
Barn Charm
the cows, the barn, the snow, the trees--it all works so well. nice shot.
Carletta - such a lovely barn in the countryside! I like the more unusual design and yellow color! Fun to discover your blog today. I'm a former foreign languages teacher - warm regards from EAGAN daily photo blog in cold, snowy Minnesota
What a great shot! You've captured the essence of the barn in its important setting. Lovely colors, too.
I love that you got the animals. And I didn't notice the star til I read it. I love it too. Today I took a drive out by some barns and felt funny cause most of them had farmers out and about them. But I did get a few for the next couple weeks!
Yes, I see the red on the side of the barn!
And the billy goat with the cows is a fantastic shot.
Lovely that old yellow of the barn with the white snow!
Lovely pastoral winter capture.
What a great shot.
We all need to appeciate things we pass by and often do not give a second glance to.
Barns have such charm.
With my eyes, I'm glad I enlarged it. I thought they were pigs and never saw the goat or the star!. I love photos of old barns...
We all need to slow down and cherish the moment.
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