While driving the nearby neighborhood streets around my daughter's apartment we came upon this unique bench at the side of someone's home. If you look closely you can see that the vinyl records have been attached to a bench. I thought it was a pretty cool piece of yard art.

This my friends is baby Lucy. She is now one year old and loves to crawl through the gate to this free standing barn. Her favorite activity is putting the eggs in the slot below the chicken. When the eggs fall music begins to play. Those are two play eggs she has in her hands. You can tell she knows to smile when Grammy has the camera pointed at her.

This of course is her big sister Lily. Lily was two in December. I just love her sweet smile and her lovely raven colored curls. Every night she would come and give Grammy a kiss and hug goodnight, say nite-nite, and I love you. Perfect ending to every day!
For more Yard Art join Mary
Gosh Carletta a year already? My how tIme flies. Those darlings are just adorable. And that bench is something else. How clever. :)
These two look so much a like! I love those smiles and that curly hair. They are beautiful babies.
Your grand-girls are adorable, Carletta. What cutie-pies!!!!!
Creative bench too...
Hope you are feeling better.
Lucy and Lily are so darn cute! I love their names, too. What a blessing for you to get to enjoy them!!
That yard art is certainly unique!!
Isn't being a grandma the best?
The girls are beautiful, so sweet.
The two littlies are are beautiful! Those smiles are winners! And love that unusual bench! Maybe someone is keeping music memories in a public way!
THose babies are just adorable, Carletta! I hope those vinyl records aren't valuable ones!! :) I'm creating another slideshow by the end of the day so come see your yard art pics on my blog...
THAT is quite a piece of yard art! I think I like it - but I'm glad it's in someone else's yard! LOL!
Those two little girls of yours just get more precious by the day! And they look sO much alike - I think one day, when Lucy catches up, they're going to be hard to tell apart! Thank GOODNESS for Lily's curls! :)
Thanks for sharing! The girls are beautiful and so happy!
Thanks for sharing. :) They sure are cute.
Those two granddaughters of yours are so precious. You must have had a fun visit, Grammy!
I like the vinyl record-covered bench. So creative.
They are both so cute. Love their dark hair and eyes.
The bench is unique for sure.
Carletta!!! They are adorable. I love their dark hair also. And those smiles!
(sorry it took me so long to get here...was sick. Also, how is your knee?)
That record bench looks pretty cool!
And those little girls are 'darling!'
Lucy and Lily are both adorable. Those are great smiles, you can tell they are sisters.
Love the bench.
Lucy and Lily are growing up so fast! They are adorable!
That sure is an interesting way to recycle vinyl records. :)
I wonder if that bench is hot to sit on during the summer? Or is it just for decoration?
Your grand daughters are so cute! Looks like Lily's hair is so curly and Lucy's hair is straight. Otherwise they look a lot alike!
You have two very beautiful granddaughters, but I suspect that you already knew that. The bench is definitely interesting.
The record bench is very cool but I always love the pictures of Lily and Lucy when you come back from your visits. It doesn't seem like a whole year has gone by since Lucy was born. How is your knee?
Two beautiful girls... such wonderful smiles. Time flies so fast, doesn't it? Hard to believe it was a year ago that the baby was born. Wow.
Just stumbled onto your blog, love your yard art pictures! And the name of your blog - I just posted yesterday about what is round the bend in my driveway. And the 'forever in blue jeans' attitude, love it!
Have a great day.
Oh my Carletta. Those girls are just beautiful and what infectious smiles they have. How proud you must be.
That bench is so cool. I have told one of my blogging friends who has a bench blog to check it out!
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