Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Turning Over A New Leaf

......a little photo editing in sepia
(the original)
When you decide to do something different to change your life for the better you are turning over a new leaf. A new season has begun and what a better time to turn the page, start a new beginning and make your life a little better. Lose those last five pounds, read a good book, take a class, smile at a stranger, hug a loved one - turn over a new leaf and see what happens!
Even the green leaves of summer are turning over a new leaf so to speak. Yesterday was the first official day of autumn and the leaves of my Burning Bush are showing their vibrant fall color.
......playing with photo editing

Jientje hosts A Thousand Words In Idioms each Wednesday. Click on over to see other participants and their entries or to link up and join in the fun.
Mary is our host for Sepia Scenes - go visit - she'll welcome you with a smile and big green glasses.


Jientje said...

Aaaaah, what a LOVELY surprise Carletta!! Mine isn't even up yet!! LOL! You did great with this one, I love how you used the time of the season as a them for your idiom. And I love the second picture, it looks like a greeting card! Thanks for playing Carletta!!!

quilly said...

You have a wonderful talent for expressing words and photos and ideas. This is a great addition to Jientje's theme!

Jientje said...

I'm adding your link Carletta!! Thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Carletta..this is just beautiful. Well done and how this captures the idiom. Well done. I swear, you good photographers, and there are so many of you...just amazes me. WOOT :)

Dr.John said...

Great explanation, great illustration. Welcome to the group.

Barbara H. said...

What beautiful photos! I love how you tied in the idiom with the season.

kayerj said...

ahhh, fall is in the air.

Nessa said...

Beautiful colors.

Raven said...

Beautifully done!

MaR said...

Very beautiful shot! the sepia effect is wonderful too, well done!

Patti said...

Beautiful editing work with the sepia and keeping the one leaf red.

I must say that is way above my skill level!

Happy Sepia Scenes Wednesday, Carletta.

Artlover said...

Nice, but I like the last one best, in color.
Happy Sepia Scenes

annalarssonphotography said...

Beautiful shots!

maryt/theteach said...

Excellent photo-editing, Carletta! I just love that last one! :)

Carolyn Ford said...

Wow Carletta! Those are gorgeous...I have to get back into the Photoshop "how to do it" book for sure! I see something else I want to learn nearly everyday! It's making me crazy...Really nice photos!

Ralph said...

The sepia dulls the scene so much that the one solitary pink leaf stands out so much! Foliage works best in sepia if we want to admire their shapes...or let a pastel take over the view. Nice edits!

Melli said...

That leaf photo is sO perfect for THAT sepia effect! I love it! Actually, I love the fishbowl too! Great fun!

Anonymous said...

That makes for a cool shot! That red leaf really PoPs!
Happy Autumn

Craver Vii said...

Oh you clever lady! Those pics are a real treat. Them are fancy photos and so much fun!

JunieRose2005 said...

These are great!

I have no idea how to do that!

(your top one and bottom one!)


kayerj said...

I don't know how you do that, so it is like magic to me. you are so creative with your artwork. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Marice said...

that's so nice :) love how you left one leave on pink!

thanks for viewing mine!

Tulip said...

wonderful shot turning leaves from green to red. it's a sign of autumn season.

Ingrid said...

Wonderful interpretation !

BTW my cats never pose ! a cat never does what you want that's for sure. there are also the only animals you can't train. What I do, I choose an idiom and then I look in my photos if I have one which fits, lol !

Annie Jeffries said...

Love the sepia. I really need to expand my editing tools so I can highlight one color. Very pretty.

XoXo said...

Lovely leaf with its color coming out from that sepia on the first photo. Very nice words too.

Janet, said...

Good advice to go with your pretty pictures.

Jeri ~ said...

Amazing - - you are very creative!

Jew Wishes said...

I love what you did with the burning bush photos. The vibrant reddish pinkish tones really pop out within the sepia.

Each one is a beauty.

Janice Thomson said...

I like your 'playing' :) Well done Carletta.

Dianne said...

well done!!

the last shot would make a wonderful card

EG CameraGirl said...

Words of wisdom and wonderful photo editing!

George said...

I like what you did with the sepia and I also like your thoughts. We all need to turn over a new leaf periodically.

squirrel said...

I love the creativity you put into your blog. Thanks for the insights.

Unknown said...

Those pics are beautiful, I love the treatment you chose!

Tom said...

Excellent work on the pictures Carletta.. as for turning over a new leaf.... I once had to turn over a whole book to change my life around but it was worth it... ;O)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Carletta, your pictures are beautiful. I drop by often to admire and to learn. (I'm good at the first, not so good at the second). thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed my visit to your blog this morning. Nice work on the leaves.

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

Oh my ... more experiments ;--)
Just lovely ... especially that last one! Way to go.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...


Ellie said...

I am following a comment by my mom , I see. This is the best of her English. Super! At least she is trying to leave comments.
I really like the sepia version. The pink-red leaf is in perfect harmony with the sepia. Gives a melancholy feeling of the view - the leaf is like a drop, a tear and the sepia reminds me of something past. Very creative!

becky aka theRAV said...

Love the 1st one! & the words on the other one.