Sunday, January 4, 2009

Today's Flowers: Anniversary Roses

Many of my regular readers will remember that there was much celebrating to do in my little corner of the world over the Christmas holidays. I have since blogged about baby Lily's first birthday and my daughter's twenty-seventh birthday. Over the holidays Hubs and I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary. These are some of the beautiful white roses I was surprised with.
A Closeup
Our Wedding Day
This is my favorite photo from the day. We didn't pose for it. The keen eye of our photographer just captured the moment.
For more Today's Flowers participants please click the badge at the top of my post.


Anonymous said...

Candid shots are the best! That's where all the real emotions can be found.

I see you still have all your hair. How about your hubby?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful rose!

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Beautiful roses! :)

JunieRose2005 said...

I love the wedding pic of you and your husband!
Congrats on 34 years!

Yes, those roses are beautiful!


Unknown said...

Beautiful Roses and a lot to be grateful for.

kayleen said...

The roses are beautiful. Congratulations on 34 years together!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Hi Carletta

Wonderful rose and romantic moment!
Thanks for sharing!
Hope you and yours have a great 2009!


Reader Wil said...

Very wonderful memories and photos! White roses will always be your key to happiness, may they be your companion in 2009.

Twisted Fencepost said...

And beautiful roses they are!
What a surprise!
Happy belated Anniversary, Carletta and Hubs!

Leora said...

Great photos of whites! You both look so happy on your wedding day. Happy anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Great shots; all of them.

Lilli & Nevada said...

AAAh! the beautiful rose, What a great pose as well. Happy Anniversary

Barbara said...

Love the white roses they are really lovely. Smiles B

Day4plus said...

Beautiful roses, beautiful smiles and happy anniversary.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Lovely, lovely white roses! Thanks for sharing your wedding photo, and congratulations on 34 years! Wishing you another 34 years of happiness together.

Neal said...

Beautiful rose pictures.

I noticed you hadn't installed the ring in your husbands nose at the time of the photo. :)

sweetmom said...

wow! what a beautiful white roses! I have red roses too, thanks for sharing.

Gill - That British Woman said...

great photos, you are the third blog featuring roses today....

Gill in Canada

Rose said...

Happy Anniversary--a little late! I like that picture, too! The roses are beautiful...wish I could smell them.

storyteller said...

What lovely white roses for a wonderful occasion! I've shared the last roses from my yard this week at Happily Retired Gal and Sacred Ruminations, especially for all those folks who are currently snowbound. I'll be cutting those bushes back in the next week or two so I'll have no NEW roses to share until Spring time.
Hugs and blessings,

juliana said...

the roses look so soft and tender, and i like the wedding shot.

Anonymous said...

very neat and lovely color of roses, congrats to both of you.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful white roses and great photos. I think candid shots are grea and that's a very nice one. :-)

Arija said...

Congratulations Carletta! White roses are so lovely, especially in great profusion.
Love his Beatles bob! Does he still have it?

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful roses! And I LOVE the candid shot of you and hubs!!
Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 34th wedding anniversary! :)
Those roses are looking pure and beautiful :)

Robert said...

Hi there. Sorry I've been such a stranger. I just don't find time for visiting blogs like I used to. I scanned through some posts here and love to see all the pictures. Your Lily is growing so fast...just as ours is :) Best wishes to you for a wonderful and happy year.

Pappy said...

Way to go Hubs. Always nice when good guys do nice things for their wives. Congratulations to you both for your commitment. I hope you enjoy many more together. Pappy

Janice Thomson said...

Gorgeous roses Carletta - love that candid shot of a special moment - beautiful.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful ! It's more and more difficult to take pictures of flowers now in winter !

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: What a neat wedding photo. Sometimes the best ones aren't the posed ones. The white roses are beautiful. Congrats on 34 years.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot of the wedding. And look at the hair style.

Unknown said...

Love the candid shot of your wedding and thought that you might like to have it refurbished a bit using photoshop. Somewhat of a hobby for me. I don't know how to get it back to you. If you get to see this posting and would like a copy pls email me at Happy Aniversary!

Anonymous said...

Someone still remembers how to treat a lady!
And here's the proof that "You don't birng my flowers" is only a fantastic duet between Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond :)

Great white rose that is ... congratulations on your 34th and now, if you don't mind, keep on the good mood for the 35th!

Leedra said...

We've only begun....Love the song playing with this post. Was that your song back then. The unposed photos are the favorites. You both look like flower children with your hair styles.

The white roses are pretty.

Melli said...

Ohhhhhhhhh LOOK at you!!! That is sO sweeet! Your hair was so dark! You mean you're not a NATURAL blonde?! I do love that photo! And the beautiful flowers too! Happy anniversary!

Janet, said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the photo and the flowers. It's always nice to be surprised with flowers.

Patti said...

Nice candid wedding photo! They are the best.

The white roses look lovely.

Happy Anniversary and many more!

Maria said...

Congratulations! What a sweet wedding photo!
I adore the white roses!