This was taken a few days before Christmas when the skies were clear and the sun was bright. It was taken through my sunroom window as most of my bird shots are. These eight little Mourning Doves were sunning themselves in the bare branches of my huge old oak tree.

A First Time Visitor To The Feeder

He's a little heavy to sit on the edge!
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How wonderful to see so many doves in one tree. Happy new year.
This post -- music and all -- is for the birds! ;)
The doves are mourning summer right? Looks chilly.
I love doves but I do NOT like those blackbirds or starlings. I run them off if they come around ours and I see them.
Great captures! Everytime I try to take photos of the birds in our garden them flitter about the place and fly off!
Cute little birdies!
Nice shots the last guy does look a bit to large for the feeder.
Lovely to have that many birds visit your garden. Thanks for stopping by.
Linda, aka Crafty Gardener
Too many seeds perhaps?
I played too :)
Aren't they sweet. I have a collection of them down by my pond. I love the sound they make when they swish away. MB
Very nice. :-)
We have a Blue Jay that visits, when I leave some seed out. Wonderful to watch.
I love doves--think they are so gentle. I think they mate for life.
you're lucky to have so much wildlife just outside your home. lovely photos again, carletta.
That's a proper bird feeder. Like to see how they pose for the camera. Happy New Year.
Great pictures - I love watching the birds in Winter!
Carletta: Very nice capture in the tree and that starling is a fine looking guy.
The Dove photo could be opne of mine as its such an identical scene in my yard this time of year. But, wow!!, what is that big black bird sitting on the feeder ledge? Does it have a white necklace? Its very intriguing looking.
How nice to have so many mourning doves. They make such wonderful sounds. They are very soothing birds to have around.
Beautiful and how I love mourning doves always sandy
I do like your "bird tree!"
Happy New Year, Carletta.
I've never seen so many mourning doves in one place. Lucky you! They are such gentle, pretty birds and I love the sound of their coos.
We have lots of doves here too. If the other birds don't show up, you can at least expect a flock of the doves hanging around.
Have a great rest of the week-end.
Oh wow, he made that bird feeder tumble sideways. Don't look like he went without food for very long
Love the chicken song too
I also take photos of birds through my window. It must have been cold when you took these photos, for they have ruffled up their feathers! Lovely pictures!
Beautiful shots of the birds!! I really like the one of the doves! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!
I recognize the mourning doves but the black bird with the ring around the neck is a new one to me.
Nice shots. I like the way mourning doves look, but for some reason I hate that cooing sound. I think I've mentioned that before. Sorry... but I REALLY dislike it. No idea why. Happy New Year!
Great shots and a tree full of birds! Cool!
I really like the blue backdrop for the branches and birds - makes them stand out!
Wow, they got lots of food for the new year!
Meoowww new year, Carletta!
Fat fluffy bird!
Delightful bird shots. Like your first time visitor :)
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