I took this picture just after taking the tractor photo I posted yesterday. Crossing a small bridge to get back out onto the main road I noticed this lovely creek with its rocky bed. Yes, frozen water was falling all around me. If you look at the far back of the photo you can see the snow covered farm fields that were all around.
Watery Wednesday now has its own meme blog. You can go there by clicking on the badge at the top to visit other participants joining in today.
Wishes for a Warm Wednesday!
As a hydrologist, I approve of that post. And I will check out that meme. The concept interests me.
I must tell you Carletta, I know some folks don't like music on blogs but I just love the way you match songs to posts...oh...and BTW, this is a beautifully haunting Watery Wed, really like the pic, the mood and the song.
Thanks for leaving such a nice comment tonight, you're a peach.
Nice shot and I do like the falling snow and snow in the background. I can almost feel the cold. :-)
When I clicked on it to look at it larger, I felt like I was standing right on the spot. Lovely shot... I like the "frozen water" in the air. It has been bitterly cold here. Was in the 20s today and is now in the teens. Brrrr.
Water and frozen water also! I posted water falling on water. And thanks for visiting my ruby leaves and leaving a kind comment. Much appreciated.
Brrr. Snow. Oh no. The photo is enchanting though with the snow flakes providing the charm.
Looks chilly! Brrrr. Still, it is lovely.
Great capture Carletta. Thanks for sharing!
Regina In Pictures
It's a beautiful photo.
Looks cold now, but in the summer that would be a perfect place for kids to play.
A very lovely creek and with the snow..wow!
Carletta: That is a fun photo with the snow. Stop and see my snow today.
Nice to see a cold, wet, fall day and not have to experience it in person. It is the only way those of us this far south will see one in all likelihood. Thanks for getting out there in the elements to bring us all of these great digital moments. Pappy
This slow-moving creek seems very restful. Lovely.
that's snow falling? Wow, that's cool!
That is a peaceful scene.
Hi Carletta! I finally caught up with you too. Thanks for you comments on my "Ravings" experimental art. Please do try it again. Even if you get scribbles, keep going back to it... something will come. I had so much fun with it and still floating on the high from creating. Your amish photos reminded me of when we go to my husband's birthplace in Indiana. It all looked very familiar. You have been very busy and taken great photographs. Keep it up!
Man that looks cold. But the creek's still moving, so I guess it's not as bad as all that.
Terrific shot!
Very nice shot and I like the snow falling too.
Beautiful Carletta, a nice effect the snow falling. I hope it didn't last long for you.
Lovely picture - the snow falling adds a nice touch.
I'm curious to know why the snow wasn't sticking there?!?! Especially after seeing the tractor photo.
looks wonderful but oh so cold!
(i hate cold)
Love this photo, and the way you captured the frozen water. I agree with shelly, yours is about the only blog that I don't turn off my speakers when the music comes on.
Gorgeous shot! I don't miss the snow.
What a beautiful little stream caught in the falling snow. Gorgeous Carletta!
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