On a drive early Monday morning to Beverly, Ohio this is what I saw out a rural country road. Not much plowing going to go on in this field! This was the first snowfall of the year. You can see it had already snowed quite a bit and huge flakes were still falling.

I'm not sure if you enlarge this if you can tell that on the tractor's exhaust stake is a fake owl.
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I have seen tractors in some pretty amazing places, but that's the first time I ever saw one up a pole!
That looks like a scene from the Dukes of Hazzard where Roscoe would end up with his car up in a tree after a chase. :) As far as the snow, you can have all of it, we don't want any over here. :)
Any ideas what the point is for putting the tractor up on the pole?
Is it a leftover Halloween prank?
Snow for RT. Brrrrrrrr!!!! Ours will soon arrive.
Interesting photo.
Well, one thing you can say about red farm equipment is that you can see it in the snow. ;-)
Yep, winter is here.
Ohhhhhh that is sO funny! I LOVE it! Well... it's the title that makes it of course! I completely forgot it was Ruby Tuesday... guess I better go see if I can scrounge something up...
That's a fine looking Farmall in Southern Ohio. A classic look, it looks like art on its pedistal. I don't think I'd want to spend a day on that metal seat, bouncing over the planted rows. These days, it's almost like the farmers prefer tractors with air conditioned cabs and iPod docks.
The classic red tractor just looks so honest!
Now that's different. Very appropriate music too ;-).
I just have to ask myself "why?".... what made someone think of putting a tractor up in the air like that with an owl on it? It's kind of cool. I love strange eccentric things like that. Snowed here too. Tasteful snow. Looks pretty, causes no harm. Twenty-five degrees, though. Not liking that.
I always wonder just how well thinks like that are held in place. I would not want to be under it if it fell.
I want to come play in the snow...wish there was a way for you to mail some to Neal.
I liked being able to enlarge the view which always seems to add a bit more punch to a shot. A surprising place for a tractor. Fine snow shot.
I don't think I've ever seen anything like that. GG. And the snow adds to its mystery...
New Rambling Woods Site
Not much traction up there! (pun intended) but it sure would keep anybody with ill intent from stealing your tractor.
I stayed in a hotel once that had a fake owl that actually ran on wires up and down from the roof to the ground (or near the ground anyway). I never actually saw it in operation, but apparently it's pretty effective at keeping the rodent populations scared away from the place.
Am I happy to sit in 83° and sunshine, lol !
I have never seen a tractor on a pole!! and haven't seen snow flakes this season either :)
Either that tractor is soo special he put it on a pedastle or that is the owl clasifies it as a large scarecrow. :D Either way good joy. Happy Bruby Weusady.
Surreal ! :-) and fantastic with that snow.
That is so funny! But why oh why, tell me why do people put a tractor all the way up there?
But I have to admit is makes a very original Ruby! Love that title too!
And the song to go with it, you're so clever!
Great captures!
And so the snow season begins for you... :)
what a cute tractor on a pole..nice color..
One question .... were you driving that tractor? :)
a pole-dancing tractor?! phew!
great fun ruby tuesday post!
LOL Reminds me of that sculpture they just took down in Chicago, with all the cars piled on a spike. This tractor is much nicer, though. Love the red against the snow.
A tractor on a pole with an owl. What next? I love your pictures.
love your post title!!
that is some amazing kind of new scarecrow ;)
A very COOL looking tractor, Carletta! :)
Is that a real tractor up there? How interesting that someone would do that. :-D I can only imagine what that will look like later completely covered with snow and icicles hanging from it.
How funny! I'm always suprised at the things people mount on poles. It must be really heavy!
Carletta: I love this photo.
Such questions this photograph raises. That is what is all about. Love the 2nd photo.
I wondered what to expect when I saw your title - lol. And I saw the owl. Great photograph!
That is quite a unique and curious item!
I'm hysterical! Great RT post. I ask the same question Abraham asks! :)
What a fabulous find! I love that first shot, especially. And an owl on top? LOL Thanks for the laugh.
Awesome pole dancer!!
Now that's a funny place to park a tractor. ;D
Interesting winter scene. A holiday decoration in the field?
Hmmm...someone with a sense of humor.
I like your post title.
Happy Ruby Tuesday, 3 days late.
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