Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wild Birds

I wasn't going to say anything today except click on the pics and enjoy the slideshow but for some reason Blogger seems to have disabled that feature. I noticed it yesterday and checked right before posting this and it's still not working.
The female cardinal above is perched atop the hook holding the mitten feeder in last week's post. Many folks asked where they could get one. My Mom ordered it from a magazine at least three years ago. She isn't sure which magazine so I can't be very helpful in locating one.
Like most of you we had snow again this week and the feeders were busy. I found this couple perched together waiting for their turn at the feeder.
This isn't one of my best photos by any means but I just had to share this little Downy on his bad hair day. The wet snow played havoc with his style. :)
Edited Note: Check out Lew's comment if you were interested in the mitten birdfeeder from last week. Thanks Lew!
Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday.


Leave It To Davis said...

He needs some hair gel. And a comb.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

How cute that little woodpecker is! We've all had days like that! And the little female cardinal looks so dejected sitting there in the cold. I do hope you warm up soon! Cute pics! xx

Ingrid said...

Gorgeous shots ! Besides a few magpies there is nothing flying around here ! Maybe because of my 4 cats !

Neal said...

Very, very nice. I wish I had a good place to take pictures of birds. There were two bluebirds at our feeder yesterday...it would have been nice to get a picture of them.

EG CameraGirl said...

I love that photo of the woodpecker's bad-hair day. Lots of character!

Red said...

I like your downy with the bad hair day. didn't Woody always have wild hair? You caught great detail in his feet clinging to the wood.

TexWisGirl said...

the first female cardinal is so cute and pert! and the downy is adorable! just clinging with those nails, too!

i think google is just eliminating things they don't want to spend money on any longer. several folks noted the slideshow feature is gone.

Mimi said...

Love the Cardinal couple! We don't have cardinals here, so it's always a real treat to get pics of them.
As for "downy", isn't he amazing to hold on so well, with those teeny toes.

Karen said...

Hee hee, love that dishevelled downy!

Deanna said...

That first pics is just downright gorgeous!! Sometimes I think the female is more beautiful than the male, here is a great example. And that poor guy with his bad hair day made me giggle!!

mick said...

Great photos of beautiful birds.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The birds look so well cared for even in the on-going cold and snow (they have found a good restaurant). Well, of course, the Downy's hairdo is a bit of a mess, but he's still a very handsome fellow.

HansHB said...

Nice post, perfect for the theme!

i stora drag said...

Very well captured! Looks like we having the same weather here in Sweden! I want Spring now!
Greetings Pia

eileeninmd said...

Carletta, beautiful shots of your pretty Cardinals. And the Downy is just adorable, cute shot.

George said...

I really like your photo of the Downy with the bad hair day.

Rose said...

Oh, Carletta, I love your cardinal shots!!! They are wonderful!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great shots, Carletta... I loved that Downy with his new hair style... ha ha

Great photos of the cardinals.

Wally Jones said...

Snow? What's that?
(Sorry, couldn't resist.) :)

Love all the shots but I'm jealous of the Downy because he actually has hair - as opposed to some of us..........

Lew said...

Delightful feathered friends you have. We mainly have robins and blue jays now and are looking for the hummingbirds to return. Mitten feeders are listed on http://homecomfortsandmore.giftsuperstore.net/i/4762/mittens-birdfeeder.htm

Rajesh said...

Very cute birds.

Dave said...

ruffled feathers .... nice post

Stewart M said...

I'd noticed the change to the way the pictures can be viewed - I wonder why this has been done?

I'm glad that I managed to see the cardinals in the flesh (feather?) a few ago or I would be really jealous!

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW - Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonymous said...

Love the precious Cardinal pair waiting for their turn at your mitten feeder.
Little Downy bad hair day shot is adorable Carletta.

BlogBee said...

Nice Blog.. I enjoyed your pictures.

Every Pic is awesome..

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Hootin Anni said...

One word: Gorgeous.

Then, gonna go check out Lew's comment.

Hootin Anni said...

...thanks for the heads up. And the mitten feeder is NOT a bad price either. ;o)

Faye said...

The cardinals have just been a delight lately but my photos don't compare with yours, Carletta. I've only started feeding birds this winter by throwing out apples, oranges, and bread/flax seed on the ground. They seem to appreciate it in this snowy weather. Am on the lookout for a feeder. Thanks for your tip.

Unknown said...

That downy is a riot!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Craver Vii said...

Carletta, it has been a long time now since I have even attempted taking pictures of birds. You do such a good job of it! One question though... how did that woodpecker get my hair?!

NatureFootstep said...

I love that little Downy. It is a great protrait. :)

imac said...

aint they Beautiful


Funny and good looking birds! there's nothing like the ones on top here.

A Colorful World said...

Great cardinal photos! And I just loved the Downy having a bad hair day!

Jori said...

Awesome photo's as always! One thing great about snow, it sure does bring the birds by! Love when I see a male and female cardinal together.

forgetmenot said...

Carletta, Such an exceptional shot of the female cardinal--excellent. I'm hoping my pair from last year will nest somewhere close to my house again this year. Such fun watching them. Happy Easter. Mickie:)

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Beautiful birds! I love Cardinals.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet!!!

Debbie said...

These are stunning!!

Janice Thomson said...

Great capture of the downy - love it.