Above is the window in my daughter's kitchen. Behind the white window blind are the shadows of the vinyl window clings she got for my granddaughters. They help them to learn about the day's weather. When I was visiting we would sit at the table by the window eating breakfast and talk about what the weather outside was like.
Here is a section of the window showing the brightly colored window clings.
Linking to Shadow Shots.

Linking to Shadow Shots.
What a great idea! I have never seen those before, but it is a wonderful way to teach the children!
that's pretty cool! glad you explained the first shot. :)
how very cool is that!!! always a learning opportunity!!!
How cool indeed, Carletta! I love it! And what a great way to teach the little ones! Haven't seen anything like this before and I think it's great! Fun for all of you! Happy Mother's Day to you and your daughter!
These are great! The youngest mind is always looking to learn and discover their world around them. The icons are wonderful, the fun look at the skies - outstanding shadows too!
I think vinyl window clings are fun and I love the shadows these are making on the shade!
Very educational, dear C!
Outstanding to learn the kiddies in this way.
Great job.
Happy SSS,
These are such a great idea! And they make for some interesting shadows, too. Well spotted.
Clever mom! (It runs in the family obviously). That learning experience makes great shadows too.
(I was just thinking that the decals wouldn't work nearly as well for Florida children..they still wouldn't understand snow.)
How clever, fun and decorative! Great idea! Plus the decals add some fun shadow shapes to the room too!
Great idea. Too many urban kids are completely unaware of the environment around them.
Cute, I used to keep a weather log with my kids when they were young and I homeschooled... love this idea!
If anyone is interested they came from The Dollar Tree. They carry quite a bit of educational items. I have yet to regret these but I'm sure I will. For example when I taught them when the moon came out it was time for bed and when the sun came up it was time to wake-up, they now run through the house on the weekend going, "Mommy the sun up you have to wake up" most often between 6:30 and almost always before 8, lol.
Gorgeous and creative! Happy mother's day Carletta! Thanks for your beautiful contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday 2. - Rose
Youth Shadow
Welcome back Carletta and Happy Mothers day - I think the USA and Australia share this same date?
Interesting the weather teaching method.
Like Sallie, I was a bit confused with the Charleston business, I knew that you were not going to the Charleston SC, but north.
Just how many Charlestons are there in the USA, and I am not referring to that dance period!
When, the word, Charleston was world side - ha ha.
On my modest side (???) I won a competition as a kid doing the dance, and in the 1970's at a Rotary Ball completed the double.
I think, again with great modesty, I made the dancing efforts of one, John Travolta look second rate. I am sure "Freddie and Ginger" would have given me a 10 out of 10 score.
Cheers from "The Modest one".
Colin ( Brisbane. Australia)
Weather report: Clear blue skies, and much cooler nights.
Thanks Colin!
I'll be spending Mother's Day with my Mom. Looks like we're going to have a rainy day here. Hopefully it won't be a complete washout.
I could never quite get my feet to work right with the charleston. My 4-H leader, Mrs. Weaver could and she was really good.
Very nice shadows formed by art on the window.
such a great idéa. I love it.
What interesting shdows they make!
These practical decoration make fine shadow picture material. Nice patterns and shapes too. Very well done.
nice! looks homey and comfortable.
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