Friday, March 2, 2012

Weekend Reflections of Friday's Fences

I had another image of a fence I wanted to post as well; but, Blogger isn't cooperating at all. I've tried to post this twice using the old and new interfaces but photos aren't uploading and once this was posted sideways. So, I'll just go with the one image.
In the above photo you can see my garden gate reflected in the garage window. Hubby has a piece of plastic film three-fourths up the window to allow for privacy. I like how it allows the gate to be reflected normally and yet it distorts it as well.
If Blogger cooperates I hope you'll be able to enlarge it to see it in better detail. Yes, that is me you'll see taking the picture.
Linking to Friday's Fences and Weekend Reflections.


Ebie said...

I love the reflections, almost like an hour-glass shape!

diane b said...

Blogger can be frustrating. It is an amazing reflection in that there are two one normal and one stretched. I can't find you.

Linda said...

Very interesting photo! Blogger is starting to drive me crazy... I have found that photos that I have rotated using Windows still have to be rotated using some other kind of program - I use Photoscape (a free download photo editing program)otherwise, they don't stay rotated when I upload to Blogger. This morning I had to enter the link for Friday's Fences 3 times before it would "stay" on the page!

Jientje said...

It's like a piece of modern art, I like that reflection!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Neat capture!

Dianne said...

I have tons of upload issues with Blogger and then it'll all be fine for days and days

anyhoo - the photo is wonderful
I love the shape and the way you framed the scene

Jan n Jer said...

I love this shot...very creative!

Kim, USA said...

This is pretty cool. I love modern arts.

Friday Fences

TexWisGirl said...

a very cool photo! and a great 2-fer!

Malyss said...

Very interesting distorsion here!Hard to see the gate as long as you don't say what it is..

EG CameraGirl said...

I absolutely LOVE wonky reflections like this! :)

Sylvia K said...

A terrific capture and definitely a great "2-fer"! Love the distortion and so perfectly frmaed! I, too, have been having frustrating moments with Blogger lately!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Carletta! Enjoy!


A Colorful World said...

Great post! I love the way the reflection is distorted, too.

Thank you for checking out my current events blog and commenting on the recent post. You will be further shocked as you read the links. This is why I started this blog, because I felt like so many people aren't hearing about these things! And we need to know!

Have a great day!

judi/Gmj said...

eerie tremulous music sounds, and you see a window into another time.. and the wind whispers your name...
Yep, a picture is worth a thousand words and this speaks volumes to me!

Doru AgafiĊ£ei said...

Gorgeous reflection!
Thank you!

My name is Riet said...

That is a beautiful reflections here.

genie said...

Don’t feel bad, Mr. Linky was a real pain in the neck last night. I couldn’t get two of my meme uploads to work. You put that together with this horrible words verification garble, and I am ready to pull the covers up over my head and call it a bad day! I added a new blurp to the top of my right sidebar about it...take a look and see what you think. I tried to be as polite and tactful as I could. Now, guess what....I cannot load your picture for today. How do you like dem apples? Love your shots of the blue sky and the opossum, but today’s will not come up. genie

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Great reflection.

Regards and best wishes

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Distorted reflections are a treat and you helped by telling us the answer. About the time I figure out that I have "user error" then I read a post like yours and think it has something to do with Blogger - hehe.


Sallie ( said...

Well, I'm glad it let you post this very interesting one.

Catherine said...

a beautiful creative shot....

Anonymous said...

Well, Blogger cooperated and I enlarged the picture - I found you!

This is a wonderful shot - what a cool reflection(s)!!!

kayerj said...

that makes a very interesting reflection.

Rose said...

That is good for a stand alone photo, Carletta. Kind of cool.

My gmail has been being all crazy--and it has never been crazy till the other day. And at that it only lasted the one day. But assume it is some changes they are doing.

George said...

This is a neat photo. I really like your distorted reflection of the gate. I hope Blogger will cooperate and allow you to post the other picture you wanted to post.

Unknown said...

Great shot well thought out..

Carole M. said...

great reflections in your door.

If your image is way narrow on one side, place it inside a square white background with a wider dimension and save. It should upload Blogger in the correct orientation then.

i.e. let's say your photo is sized to 800 x 400. It might not upload to blogger correctly. But if you make a 800 x 800 new image and imbed it in the centre of that; SAVE, then it should upload.

Kathy said...

What a great capture!

Unknown said...

Tell me about it - this week I suddenly got the new that my blog didn't exist anymore, and stayed up till 3 am to get it back!

The distortion must come from the plastic? -great idea from hubby:)

Faye said...

Always so pleased when you get a little serendipity with your camera as in this shot. I read once that you should never erase a photo from just what you see in the viewfinder. How true--sometimes you get some magic!

Larry D said...

Wonderful Image!