Monday, March 21, 2011

Ruby Tuesday: Pileated Woodpecker

Sunday afternoon I glanced out my sunroom window toward the edge of the woods and saw what I thought was a crow and wondered what it had in its mouth that was white. The crows have been building a nest in the nearby woods. The 'crow' moved and I noticed the red head. I was so excited but knew even my zoom lens could not pick up what I realized was a pileated woodpecker. Hubs came in and we watched it fly away. As hubby walked to the dining room he said it was on the trees near the dining room window. I grabbed my camera and the above image is that attempt. You can see it was still far away. I went back to my computer and saw it land on a tree just outside my window. I grabbed the camera and again it took off.
I hurried to the living room window hoping and there it was on a small tree trunk. This time success even through the dirty window.
Near that small tree is a dead tree trunk and a perfect spot to grab a snack. She was all around the bottom of the tree trunk and I just keep clicking. Here I caught her with her wings out and was able to capture the white markings on her wings. At least I'm fairly sure it is a female. Even though the photos aren't super I don't see the red line from bill to throat that would indicate a male.
This profile shot is my favorite. Hubs teased me that I chased her all around the house. I started out just being happy I had even seen this beauty at the edge of the woods but my persistance paid off and I have photos to prove she was really here.
For more Ruby Tuesday join Mary here.


Neal said...

Good job Carletta. Beautiful usual.

Scrappy Grams said...

I'm thrilled for your capture of that beautiful bird! Good job on being so persistent. :)
BTW what means did you use to get your music list on your site? It's the most soothing I've heard on any site; it's not at all in your EARS.

Anonymous said...

Awesome photo my friend. I have never seen one of these in person. It's a beauty. You have the gift of finding just the right photos :) Hope you are well. :)

kayerj said...

you are awesome--great photo.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Carletta, Glad you saw him and captured him with your camera... We have lots of them around --and I still love seeing them...

Congrats.... Very nice pictures.

Felisol said...

Making an outdoor shot from inside, that is an achievement.
Your effort sure paid off.

I love my zoom lens.
Since I am extremely shortsighted, I get to see lots of details when I'm out with my camera, and even more when I transfer the pictures to my computer.
What a great hobby!

Mimi said...

Well worth the effort, Carletta.
These are superb shots!
We don't have woodpeckers here, so I really, really appreciate them.

Ralph said...

In the leafless and nearly monochrome woods, the tiniest ruby atop his skull is the only hint of color we see on top. He is a busy one, scouting the grounds for nesting materials - and perhaps a mate. The birds are a rite of Spring, and we are happy when such beautiful avians seem to await our photographic captures!

Rose said...

Carletta, what a wonderful capture...there was one here in the neighborhood but I could never get a photo of it.

Leora said...

Oh, I can understand your joy! She's a beauty. Love that red tufted head.

Dianne said...

the profile shot is wonderful
I also love her wings spread open, she's so beautiful

Unknown said...

Birds are my favorite animal...oh to see the world as they can! And to have the freedom to just fly away!
Beautiful shots, as usual! I'm glad that someone else gets all giddy over the simple things in life.

Kim, USA said...

This is a gorgeous woodpecker. Love this one!

DrillerAA said...

There are a pair of these lovely creatures in the woods behind our house. I love 'em. They spend a lot of time at our bird feeders in the winter, but we rarely see them through the spring and summer.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

A headline for your series of pileated woodpecker shots might read: Alert Photographer Gets
Great Shots!


They say that just one touch of red
Will put big, bold thoughts in your head.
So scarlet’s for you,
And burgundy too,
And cardinal and carmine—‘nuff said!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

People and Signs in Red

Cafe au lait said...

Fabulous shots.

I played too. Mine are here and here.

Anonymous said...

What marvellous shots of that red punk-headed woodpecker!

Annie Jeffries said...

omigosh. i have to say it. he looks like woody woodpecker. he is so cool.

ellen b. said...

Hello there Carletta! What a beautiful woodpecker. I'm so glad you saw him and were able to capture him in your photos! Happy Ruby Tuesday to you.

Kerri Farley said...

How exciting! And great captures too! I saw one Sunday morning fly by me - and I was in such awe - I didn't get ANY shots of it :)

Ingrid said...

Wow, you were so lucky to be able to take these wonderful shots !
We have one nearby but I have never seen it, I can only hear it.

Marice said...

that is really cute! :)

JunieRose2005 said...

:) I love spotting these birds. We've seen them here and I've got some pictures...(but not often do we see them!) Hope I have some this spring or summer!

`` I haven't yet posted for Ruby Tuesday...but do have a MYM up! :)


Chubskulit Rose said...

How gorgeous!

Would you come and see my Ruby Tuesday ? Have a lovely evening!

rapunzel said...

Amazing capture! Love it!!