Friday, March 25, 2011

LEM Photo Challenge: Spring

Spring is starting to bloom in our yard. Yesterday when Hubby went to the mailbox at the end of our long driveway he came back with a handful of daffodils. I told him I hoped he hadn't picked them all and he said we have LOTS more to bloom.
Since I shot them against a white background with not much natural light left in the gloomy day I decided to pop it up a notch by adding a texture and then erased the texture from just the center daffodil. This one is my entry for the challenge this week with the prompt of spring.
I've included this photo for the purist of you photographers out there who enjoy the original image.
For more Spring pics join Tara at Live Every Moment.


Anonymous said...

Spring has certainly sprung. These are both beautiful. Mahalo my friend for sharing these :)

Ingrid said...

How joyful ! it's spring !!

Neal said...

Beautiful shots. The modified shot is beautiful. I'm glad you added the original so I can compare.

Unknown said...

Carletta, thank you for giving me a name for how I feel...purist. Since I've had my dslr, I've been striving so hard to capture IN CAMERA all of my shots since I didn't have any editing software. I think I've finally started to master the art of adjusting the camera's settings to compensate for the lighting and to create artistic bokeh, etc. I finally buckled and bought photoshop (about which I'm ecstatic, by the way), but I want to make sure that I don't stop trying to capture every image well enough that it can stand alone without editing!

As always, I love your shot, edited and original! Daffodils are so fun!

JunieRose2005 said...

Both are beautiful but the first shown is my favorite! It's so wonderful what we can do with photos these days!!


deb duty said...

Beautiful photo! I love both versions.

Rose said...

I always like to see the original just to compare...don't know if that makes me a purist or not...haha I like either of these, but like the one with the texture best.

George said...

I like what you did in your first picture, but I think the original is very good as well. Both say that Spring has arrived!

Our Peculiar Lives said...

beautiful photos! I love the edited version - it really pops.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful Daffodils, Carletta... I love them... They are just so SPRINGY to me....

I like both photos... Sometimes I end up liking the original of my pictures more than the doctored ones.


Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

Oh My Goodness.. love the flowers and their amazing color.. love the jar.. and the composition.. thtnks for the SOOC, I am one of those that like it!

Jessaca said...

thanks for stopping by...I love these photos!! Great idea to put them in a clear class jar!!! Great texture you added on the first photo!!
Have a good one!!

diane b said...

Happy Spring! I love yellow daffodils. They remind me of my childhood in England. Miss you.

FYH said...

Pretty the texture!

Tara said...

Beautiful flowers, love the yellow and so springy! Thanks for linking up!

SquirrelQueen said...

How sweet of your hubby to bring you a bouquet of sunshine.

While I prefer original it is always fun to see other effects, well done on both.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous daffodils Carleta!!

My flowers, have a lovely Sunday!

EJ said...

Lovely blooms!

Fern is what I have in my page for you.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful. You are a genius in the "darkroom". (Ha HA -- What is the general term for what we do to edit our photos now? There must be one, my mind is blank.)