Monday, March 15, 2010

Ruby Tuesday: Old McDonald's Billboard

The fading patina of the paint and the old looking school bus drew my attention to this billboard. If you enlarge the image you can see that is stenciled on plank boards which leads me to believe it has been there quite awhile. They just don't make them this way anymore.
For more Ruby Tuesday join Mary here.


Robin said...

What a great find, they really don't make 'em like that anymore.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is awesome. They sure don't make them like the use to. Love it :)

Felisol said...

The plank board is great. I'm not so sure about McDonald's for breakfast.

Jientje said...

That's a lovely billboard, I love the shape of that old bus!

Ralph said...

The Golden Arches show up well, even if faded. Old signs often are fading away, as there are so many new electronic billboards with many messages. I think there is a sign near a McDonald's in the region - with the school bus on it. Who would have thought that fast food memorabilia would be disappearing so fast...

Lynda Howells said...

Ha! i would imagine this is quite a find and maybe worth keeping for the future..could be worth a bit!Ha
On the otherhand, as an artist l would love it to work on it and turn it into an art peice! Lovely Ruby tuesday image. Good find my friend!lynda

Patti said...

I like this for several reasons - it's old fashioned, it's unique and McDonald is my maiden name. ;-)

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Charlene Amsden said...

Cool capture. You know what strikes me most about this? No graffati!

Dianne said...

wonderful old sign
I love the weathered beauty of it

DrillerAA said...

It's certainly a more charming advertisement than today's billboards. Very nicely done. Happy RT.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow, I am amazed that still there.

MY Ruby Tuesday

Kim, USA said...

That's the oldest advertising board I have seen from McDonald's. ^_^

RT~What a deal

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Hehe, that sign suggests McDonald's isn't doing so well financially, but I don't think that is true. ..great Ruby Tuesday.

My RT on Silently Mine. :))

ellen b. said...

Great catch Carletta! Love that old sign! Happy Ruby to you...

JunieRose2005 said...

I love it! Have never seen one anything like this before!

well, gee, don't know when I'll get back into regular blogging and the photo projects! Hope I can soon.


Carolyn Ford said...

What a find! I love it...I don't remember seeing any other one like it! Cool post!

Auntie E said...

What a terrific ruby find. I love the school bus.. Like stop on your way to school,lol.
My Ruby Link for you

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carletta: That is really cool.

George said...

You don't see many billboards like this any more.

Stephanie V said...

Just shows that once even McDonalds was a less-than-corporate burger joint. Nice find.

Marice said...

wow so amazing that it is still up as of now :) great find!

u may view mine here

Gattina said...

It looks indeed a little washed out !

kayerj said...

love the character in this one . . .

♥ Kathy said...

That's really cool! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

This is a great find. Thanks for sharing and sorry for the late comment.

Candy said...

Looks like a real vintage one for sure. Glad you captured it for us.
I too, have a Goldie and Spot in my pond but not quite as big as yours.
Thanks for coming by today and leaving such a sweet message.

Matty said...

Yeah, that's a classic sign for sure, from the old days. It sits weathered and worn, but it's antique look makes for a good picture.

Amanda Moore said...

What a great old sign Carletta looks like the bottom half has been restored the upper half has suffered the weather. Thanks for leaving the larger version it was a treat to see this made bigger!

Neal said...

That's probably an should requisition that sign. :)

lazyclick said...

Nice catch for Ruby Tuesday.

Kerri Farley said...

What a neat find!!

happily retired gal said...

Very nifty find for Ruby Tuesday ... it would have 'worked' for Mellow Yellow Monday too ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Rose said...

I honestly don't think I have ever seen a billboard made of planks. Great shot!

dot said...

That's a really neat sign. I hate when they restore old signs and paint them bright new colors. They just don't look right.

Kranky Granny said...

I agree that they do not make signs like this anymore. But, I have never known McDonald's to not keep their signs cared for.

Definitely a unique capture.

Anonymous said...

My age is showing - this brings back memories! Great capture!

Terry said...

dear carletta,
i just got as far here last week to click on and show my husband just how pretty you are!
and then i had to leave so quick that i didn't even comment.
now this macs picture reminds me so much of a sign that we used to see on our journeys out west to my beloved manitoba.
when you are travelling so far in northern ontario along lake superior , the gas stations are few and far between.
there used to be a sign that warned people that the next gas station was one hundred or so miles away.
well that sign has been replaced with a more important sign,
"one hundred fifty kilometres to the next macdonald's"
kilometers? well when bernie and i took that trip along lake superior, canada had not gone metric yet!....
i will say so long and wait until you have your ruby tuesday for this terry

Twisted Fencepost said...

Wow, I'm surprised that's still standing.
Wonder how long it took to paint that?
And I wonder if McD's paid someone to go all across the US and Canada to paint those signs.

 gmirage said...

Classic! Mcdonald's turn green in here recently!

dot said...

Wow, I wonder how old it is.

Anonymous said...

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